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An FMS Missioner’s Reflection

We are grateful to be able to share a post written by Tim Marcy, one of our missioners in South Africa. Feel free to print this out and keep it with you, write a journal entry based on what you read, or share with your friends and loved ones.

I like to walk, and when I walk I like to observe and I like to experience, and I like to feel being in a kind of oneness with all of creation. One thought keeps coming back to me: that life is just a school of love.

We, and everything else were created in love and for love. Our ultimate goal in life, I believe, is NOT to be successful, or famous, or popular, or powerful or rich; but to be a love, to know that reality is ultimately good, even though it is not all sweetness and light. Love can be hidden; we don’t see it unless we learn to see it. It requires an ability to stand away from ourselves and listen and look with a kind of non-judgmental objectivity.
Think of when you have experienced being loved well by some one, so well that you felt confident that that person would receive and accept you even though they knew your worst faults. That kind of love, that kind of acceptance, is what I believe we are all called to Do for ourselves, for all the people we interact with, and indeed, for all of creation.
Do good, live in truth, forgive profligately, be true to your deepest self, and LOVE.

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We prepare and support lay Catholics for two-year international, one-year domestic and 1-2 week short-term mission service opportunities in solidarity with impoverished and marginalized communities across the globe.

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