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Prayers for Christmas: Joy


On this Gaudete Sunday, the third Sunday of Advent, we rejoice that Jesus is almost here, that our wait it almost over!

Today’s joyful prayer for Christmas comes from Sr. Erika, one of missioner Lynn Myrick’s students in Bolivia. Sr. Erika is a St. Joseph sister studying to become a physical therapist. We’ve included her prayer in Spanish and her own English translation.

En esta Navidad estoy agradecida a Dios:

  • Por el don de mi Vida y por la oportunidad que me da de poder gozarla junto a muchas personas que me inspiran y ayudan.
  • Por la Vocación, por que El me ha  llamado a ser Hermana de San José y estar a su servicio y me invita a cada día darle una respuesta generosa y desinteresada.
  •  Estoy agradecida por el camino que he recorrido durante este año libre de obstáculo y lleno de bendiciones.
  • Doy gracias por la Salud, que a cada día me acompaña y me da oportunidades como, caminar, respirar y gozar a cada instante de la maravillosa creación.
  • Agradezco por mi familia, por el don que ellos son para mi vida, por los valores que me transmiten y porque gracias a ellos puedo vivir con alegría y entusiasmo.
  • Estoy agradecida por la oportunidad que tengo de prepararme profesionalmente para mejor servir a mis hermanas y hermanos más necesitados.

 In this Christmas season, I am grateful to God:

    • For the gift of my life and for the chance each day to draw on the power and joy of those people who inspire and help me each day.
    • For my vocation, that God has called me to be a sister of St. Joseph, to serve Him, that each day He invites me to give him a generous and unselfish response to His call .
    • I am grateful for the road that I have travelled in this year, free from obstacles and full of blessings.
    • I am thankful for my health: that each day I can walk, breathe, and enjoy the miracle of creation in each moment.
    • I am thankful for my family, a gift in my life, for the values that they have handed down to me. Thanks to them, I can live joyfully, with enthusiasm.
    • I am grateful for the opportunity that I have to prepare for a career that will better enable me to serve the needs of my brothers and sisters.

    See Sr. Erika and other Bolivian friends of Lynn Myrick in our Prayers for Christmas video.

      Lynn Myrick is a returned missioner who served with her husband Joel Vaughn in Cochabamba, Bolivia from 2009 to 2012.