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Mission Monday: Welcome Class XXVIII!


They came by plane.  They came by car.  And now they are all settled into Casa San Salvador. 

Joining us at Franciscan Mission Service are three generous and faith-filled people from across the country.  Representing their native lands, they are:

Paul Heinzen: Wisconsin

Jeff Sved: Pennsylvania

Annemarie Barrett: Minnesota

For the next 14 weeks these three individuals will be hard at work learning about Franciscan spirituality, simplistic living, Catholic Social Teaching, their potential mission sites, and even how to write blogs and to record videos. 

The classes draw on a variety of supportive resources.  They feature current office staff like Br. Paul, former domestic volunteers like Christine Landou,  past missioners and friends from the greater Franciscan community.

To get their mission feet wet, the candidates will spend several hours a week working with homeless in the D.C. area.  They will also be living in an intentional community lifestyle where they will study, prepare meals, and pray together.

Welcome mission class number 28!  We’re excited you’re here and looking forward to getting to know you.

Comment to leave a welcome message for our new arrivals!

We prepare and support lay Catholics for two-year international, one-year domestic and 1-2 week short-term mission service opportunities in solidarity with impoverished and marginalized communities across the globe.

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