Home / Stories / Takeway Wednesday: Jack Jezreel’s Anselm Moons, OFM Award Acceptance Speech!

Takeway Wednesday: Jack Jezreel’s Anselm Moons, OFM Award Acceptance Speech!

Earlier this Spring, Franciscan Mission Service celebrated the 2014 World Care Benefit! In today’s blog, we share the inspiring acceptance speech of Anselm Moons, OFM award recipient Jack Jezreel.

Enjoy the full text of his speech.

Originator of the JustFaith program, a faith formation program for adults, Jack Jezreel also contributed to our Lenten blog series “Poor and Free: A Spiritual Yes to Less”:

We prepare and support lay Catholics for two-year international, one-year domestic and 1-2 week short-term mission service opportunities in solidarity with impoverished and marginalized communities across the globe.

The blog is maintained by the communications staff.