Franciscan Friday: One Body in Solidarity
During our Discernment Days closing prayer this afternoon, we read from 1 Corinthians about the gifts of the spirit, varieties of service and our connection as members of one body.
Verse 26 drew us in particular to deeper reflection, “If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it; if one part is honored, all the parts share its joy.”
Many interpret this verse to mean that as members of one body and one human family, we are called to take care of one another – to alleviate the suffering of our neighbors.
1 Corinthians 12:26 is not only a call to service, but a call to solidarity. We must share in the suffer and joy of others. We cannot understand, appreciate, and truly journey with others if we do not consider their situations as our own.
As they carry out the ministry of presence, our Franciscan lay missioners come to experience the good and bad times of the community abroad where they live and serve.
As an organization, we share this emotional connection with each other as well. Right now, we mourn with our missioners Tim and Cecilia Marcy at the July 6 passing of Fr. Stan Brennan, founder of the St. Francis Care Centre in South Africa where the Marcys serve. We celebrate with our house managers Daena and Eduardo Padilla at the July 1 birth of their daughter Juliet Alessandra.
Please join us in solidarity the members of our Franciscan Mission Service body in praying for Fr. Stan, the Marcys, St. Francis Care Centre and the Padilla family.
The FMS staff toasts the birth of Juliet Alessandra Padilla with sparkling cider and Key Lime Pie. |
With whom are you suffering or rejoicing today?
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