Our Mission
As Franciscan followers of Christ, we build partnerships with Catholic women and men who are inspired to live and serve in solidarity with economically poor communities across the globe – and to bring the transformative experience of mission to North American societies and churches as advocates for peace, justice, reconciliation and care of creation.
Overseas Lay mission

St. Francis of Assisi built bridges between cultures and peoples, and you can too, as a missioner with Franciscan Mission Service. We help Catholic lay women and men prepare to serve on mission where they partner with poor and oppressed communities around the world for 2- 6 years.
dc service corps

DC Service Corps is an 11-month service leadership experience for young adults (ages 21-35) that desire to participate in a Catholic program with a Franciscan heart. With a focus on professional and spiritual development through service in the DC community, DC Service Corps facilitates the integration of faith into all aspects of one's life.
Hear from FMS missioners about how they felt God's call to go on mission and how FMS prepared them to do so.
Meet Our Missioners: Overseas Lay Mission | DC Service Corps

Lifelong Mission
Delve into the different avenues this lifelong call to mission can lead within the FMS community.

Short-Term Mission Trips
We offer short-term mission and global awareness trips in Washington, DC and at our mission sites in Bolivia, Guatemala, Jamaica, and the US/Mexico border.

Get to Know Our Patron Saints
FMS aspires to follow in the footsteps of Saint Clare and Saint Francis. Missioners and volunteers practice this ministry of presence in their service.