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For Prospective Missioners

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The call to mission is both a privilege and a responsibility rooted in our baptismal vows and nurtured by the Holy Spirit.

We look for certain qualities and skills in selecting candidates.

1. Lay persons of faith in the Catholic tradition with the capacity and dedication to deepen their relationship with God. Applicants must also express a call to mission and a willingness to incorporate Franciscan values into their mission experience.

2. Individuals must be able to give a minimum of two years of service overseas.

3. Single, married, or divorced -- generally between the ages of 22 and 62 (without dependents).

4. Prior cross-cultural experience and/or a second language are valuable, though not absolutely required.

5. A willingness to serve in various ministries according to a person’s interests and expertise. Past missioners have worked in a wide range of ministries such as: healthcare, teaching, pastoral ministry, social work, community development, small Christian community animation, and agriculture. We offer a variety of opportunities for persons with diverse sets of skills.

6. A legal resident of the United States or Canada.

Application Process

Now accepting applications for Fall 2025!

The application process is one of mutual discernment: We have designed our application process in a way that we hope invites the applicant to not only learn more about Franciscan Mission Service and our unique approach to mission in the Franciscan tradition, but also to invite the applicant into deeper self-reflection into their motivations and call to serve overseas. At the same time, our staff will be learning more about the applicant and discerning whether our program is a good fit for the applicant’s gifts and interests.

We invite applicants to start the application process even if you are not 100% sure you want to serve. We want to meet you where you are in your discernment and are happy to answer your questions, learn about your doubts and address any concerns you may be having. It is a healthy part of the process and we are here to support you along the way! Our staff is dedicated to accompanying you throughout your discernment process even if it possibly leads you to another program or opportunity.

We encourage you to read our discernment resources and our Frequently Asked Questions.

First Steps

Please click here to complete an interest form and staff will respond with helpful resources about our program and application process. We also will be happy to set up a time to speak with you on the phone and answer any questions.

Or if you have read through our Overseas Lay Mission webpages, you can move straight to completing our preliminary application by downloading it here. All the instructions are included in the application. Please submit your resume as well. Staff will respond 1-2 weeks after receiving your application and set up a follow-up call with you.

The priority deadline for applications is March 1, but applications are accepted on a rolling basis until missioner spots are filled. Apply today!

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