In the News

Stories published about our missioners and our organization:
Lay Catholic women embrace missionary life at home and overseas 'holding up this church - Director of Mission Integration Meghan Meros shares how women who answer the call to mission, with FMS or other organizations, can be a prophetic witness of the Church in the world.
Working for Justice: The Partnership Between UNHCR and Franciscan Mission Service - DC Service Corp volunteer Grace Keuber shares how FMS' spirit of accompaniment applies to her work with refugees and forcibly-displaced communities at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
Followers of St. Francis: Sr. Meg Earsley - Sr. Meg explores her calling to religious life and how her formation as a Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration converged with the rich formation she received as part of FMS' Overseas Lay Mission Formation program.
Bona Ventura: The Good Journey - For many alumni of St. Bonaventure University, service in the Franciscan tradition becomes part of their way of life. Four of these alumni share how serving with FMS deepened that commitment.
Fanning the Flame of the Franciscan Charism - St. Anthony Messenger discusses returned missioner Nora Pfeiffer's journey through the Franciscan charism, through encounter, experience, and intention.
Building Community with Living Stones - Lifelong missioner Megeen White-Testa shares her Franciscan influences and ties throughout her life.
Catholic volunteer programs struggle to adapt to pandemic realities - Featuring Executive Director Liz Hughes and lay missioner Hannah Hagarty, the decision-making of volunteer programs is given a closer look.
Advent Reflection | Patience and Gentleness - Within the 2020 CVN Advent Reflection series, DCSC Volunteer Madeline McKissick reflects on Mary's simple yet powerful fiat.
Five Lay Missioners Officially Commissioned with FMS - Recollection of the 2020 Fall Commissioning Mass, FMS' history, and it's future within these new missioners.
Restoring Justice - Article featuring the ministry and justice system reform efforts of Joanne Blaney, former Co-Director of Franciscan Mission Service and current Maryknoll Lay Missioner in Brazil.
Six months into pandemic, Catholic organizations adjust, adapt - Interview of Catholic organizations, including ED Liz Hughes, looks at the hopeful and harsh realities of the pandemic.
NPR's The Facing Project S02 E12 - "Alone Together: Stories from a Pandemic" - Two FMS stories bookend podcast with OLM Megan Hamilton’s story from Jamaica beginning at 2:23 in the podcast, and DCSC Michael Broughton and Matthew Fichter’s story from Washington, D.C., featured near the end.
"Lessons from a Mandatory Retreat" by Julia Pinto - Featured on CVN's website, DC Service Corps member, Julia Pinto reflects on the changes brought about by this pandemic and the insights she’s found along the way.
"Embracing Littleness" by Amy Brandt - Featured as a notable entry to CVN's Annual Volunteer Story & Photo Contest, DCSC volunteer Amy Brandt reflects on the Franciscan approach to littleness.
FANTASY, LEGEND, OR REALITY? - Written by Lay Missioner Tim Shelgren, as a CVN Serving with Sisters Contributor
Advent Reflection | Spirituality (p. 6) - Within the 2019 CVN Advent Reflection series, DCSC Volunteer Marina Jerry reflects on God's call to Joseph from within a dream.
New Missioners Experience Season of Beginnings - Written by Meghan Meros, the article features the new class of DCSC Volunteers and Lay Missioners.
Questions Before Committing for a Year of Service The National Catholic Reporter features the voices of returned missioner Katie Mulembe, former volunteer Maria Beben, and volunteer alums from other programs in encouraging reflection before a year--or more--of service.
I CHOSE SERVICE: JOSH MAXEY SERVING WITH FRANCISCAN MISSION SERVICE - Written by Joshua Maxey, formerly of FMS' Non-profit Servant Leadership Program.
Franciscan Mission Service Commemorates Active Laity at World Care Benefit - Written by DCSC's Kevin Ruano, description of 2019 World Care Annual Event.
Rochester parishioner’s mission leads to Guatemala - The Catholic Moment, the newspaper for Misty Menis-Kyler's home parish, covers the beginning of her ministry in Valle de los Angeles, Guatemala.
Mizes Begins Two Years of Missionary Service in Jamaica - Cindy talks about why she felt it was time to serve.
Anna Klonowski's hometown Church's Newsletter - The letter shares an interview with Anna before leaving for Bolivia.
Sved Journeys From Bolivia to Bona's - Jeff Sved discusses returning home and culture shock.
Serving with Sisters: Aubrey Kimble - Ms. Kimble answers questions about serving in Bolivia for Catholic Volunteer Network
Returning from the Deep: FMS Welcomes Back Six Missioners from Overseas - The article shares the re-entry of six FMS missioners back to Bolivia.
At Neumann University Tea and Franciscan identity - Sister Marguerite O'Beirne integrates Franciscan values in the work place over tea
Lessons from a year of service material simplicity and spiritual intentionality - Maria Beben looks back on her time as a missioner and how she has changed.
Reminders from afar teach patience humility and trust - Maria Beben writes on lessons learned from missioners abroad.
Seeing the same world through different eyes - Maria Beben describes how the world has changed for her after leaving home.
Uncovering the courage to speak - Maria Beben talks about how public speaking has given her confidence.
Crafting relationships through a ministry of presence - Former associate Maria Beben shares how difficulties can be overcome through community
News from Cochabomba - Nate and Mary Mortenson help connect coffee growers in Bolivia to universities in the states.
Overseas Missioner Formation: Growing in the Franciscan Tradition - Missioners write about skills and lessons learned during formation.
Do not be afraid of silence - Maria Beben reflects on distractions and how silence can help.
Walking in the footsteps of Martha and Mary - Maria Beben writes how service can be done in many different ways.
What running with the pack taught me about solidarity - Maria Beben shares how running and challenging herself led to surprising experiences.
The Influence of Service - Returned lay missioner Kitzi Hendricks interviewed by the Omaha World Herald about how serving in Bolivia inspired her life path
Missionary in Bolivia Returning Home for Pittsburgh Marathon - Lay missioner Jeff Sved interviewed by CBS affiliate KDKA-TV about his experiences on mission in Bolivia.
— Marathon is perfect timing for Valencia resident - Lay missioner Jeff Sved featured on the front page of the Butler Eagle in advance of his first marathon, which he trained for while on mission.
— Sved will keep running - Follow-up article in Butler Eagle on missioner Jeff Sved.
Father Larry Snyder to Receive Award in Washington, DC Pre-event coverage of the 2016 World Care Benefit and Celebration by the University of St. Thomas.
SMC alum makes the mission possible … and so can you Lay missioner Catherine Sullivan featured in an editorial in The Observer, the student paper serving Notre Dame and St. Mary's College.
Immersed in Service Lay missioner Annemarie Barrett featured in the magazine of Loyola University of Chicago.
Middlesex native on mission in Bolivia: Lay missioner Jeff Sved featured in Trib Total Media's Valley News Dispatch.
Alumna Serves in Bolivia with Franciscan Mission Service: Creighton University alumna Kitzi Hendricks is highlighted for her work with abused children and torture survivors while on mission with FMS in Cochabamba, Bolivia.
Franciscan Missioners Honored with Commissioning Mass: Hady Mendez, Valerie Ellis, and Nate and Mary Mortenson were commissioned and sent forth after three months of preparation for service in Bolivia.
A Day in the Life of Franciscan Mission Service Lay Missioner: Kitzi Hendricks: FMS missioner, Kitzi Hendricks, was featured in Catholic Volunteer Network’s Blog. The post depicts a day in the life of Kitzi and her work with Madre de Dios in Cochabamba, Bolivia and her love for meditation.
Cochabamba, Bolivia Kitzi Hendricks ‘07: Kitzi Hendricks is featured in Pax et Bonum, her alma mater St. Francis Catholic High School’s magazine, for her work in Cochabamba, Bolivia with Madre de Dios and Nuestra Casa. See page 38.
Franciscan Mission Service honors Amb. Thomas Melady: Institute of World Politics mentions FMS' World Care Benefit and Celebration and the presentation of the Anslem Moons, OFM Award to the Meladys.
Lay Missionary ‘Meets God’ In Eyes Of Poor, Suffering: FMS mission Catherine Giller featured in the Georgia Bulletin for her service in Cochabamba, Bolivia. The article talks about Catherine's call to mission and her ministry abroad.
Franciscan Mission Service: A Ministry of Peace and Justice: Kim Smolik, FMS executive director, introduces FMS to the readers of the "Be A Franciscan" newsletter, published by the vocation ministry at Holy Name Province (see page 3).
FMS Building Partnerships with the Secular Franciscans: Kim Smolik, FMS executive director, attended the annual chapter meeting of the U.S. Secular Franciscan Order held in Arizona in October 2010. See pages 5 and 6 of this newsletter for a description of Kim's talk and her efforts to build greater partnership with SFO fraternities around the country.