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Long-Term Overseas Mission

Overseas Lay Missioners Students Walking Down Street with Views of Countryside

Live the Gospel of Peace and Justice in Bolivia, Jamaica, or the U.S.-Mexico Border Region

St. Francis of Assisi built bridges between cultures and peoples, and you can too, as a missioner with Franciscan Mission Service.

We help Catholic lay women and men prepare to serve on mission where they partner with poor and oppressed communities around the world for 2- 6 years.

Through our 13-week mission formation process, you’ll learn how to serve others in ways that are respectful and honoring of cultural, religious, and personal differences.

FMS will prepare you to directly serve the materially poor and marginalized people of society through Franciscan ministry, where you’ll explore themes of personal conversion; communal living; simplicity of lifestyle; and ways of working for peace, justice, and care of creation.

Your years in mission will be one of the most meaningful, powerful experiences of your life. But your journey won’t end there.

When you return, you will join our “Lifelong Missioners to North America”. Our focus on the importance of mission to North America is a unique aspect of the FMS program. As your mission at home continues, you will use your cross-cultural experience to live the gospel message of peace and justice in the North American Church and society too.

Overseas Lay Missioner Stories

Lessons from Under the Sea

Editor’s Note: Lay missioner Joleen Johnson marvels at life and nature under the Caribbean Sea while contemplating this unfamiliar area of God’s creation. I was ...
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The End is Only the Beginning

Editor’s Note: As she concludes her time serving in the US-Mexico border region, lay missioner Julia Pinto recalls an encounter with a young woman at ...
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Grace and Goodness Light the Way

Editor’s Note: Lay missioner Susan Sarkissian shares what Jamaican schools are like and where she notices goodness and light in the school where she serves. ...
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