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Introducing Estephanie Alvarez: What Matters to Me


Editor’s Note: Estephanie Alvarez is a high school student who works in the FMS office once a week as part of Don Bosco Cristo Rey’s Corporate Work Study Program (CWSP). Today she reflects on the importance of loving yourself and others. 

One of the most important things that matters to me is how much I love myself and others. Love is something that I feel is essential to every person’s life. It doesn’t matter who you receive it from: yourself, a family member, a friend, a partner, or even a pet. Love is really important to everyday life. Sometimes we don’t recognize the type of love we need to receive, and it can be upsetting. We all need to know it is there and appreciate it.

With all that we are going through during this pandemic, I feel it is necessary to both receive and give love. It is so important, especially coming back into environments we were in before the pandemic. 

Even if you feel that there is no one to hang on to, God is always there whenever we need some type of love in any form. Please remind yourself how essential it is to love yourself and others with every passing day.

Reflection Question: How can you show love to yourself and others today?

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Estephanie Alvarez is a high school student who works in the FMS office once a week as part of Don Bosco Cristo Rey’s Corporate Work Study Program (CWSP).