A Great Visionary: A Reflection on Fr. Joe and FMS
Editor’s note: FMS Board member Fr. John O’Connor, OFM, reflects on Fr. Joe Nangle’s impact and legacy with Franciscan Mission Service.
When I think of Joe, I am reminded of the famous words of George Bernard Shaw: “Some men see things as they are and say why, but I dream things that never were and say why not?”
The concept of Franciscan Mission Service was developed by Fr Anselm Moons. I personally knew Fr Anselm, as he lived in one of our Washington, DC, formation houses during the years that I served as Guardian and Director of Post-Novitiate Formation. Traditionally, Franciscan mission ministry was thought of in terms of Franciscan friars, priests and brothers, serving in foreign countries. Anselm introduced the friars to the concept of lay missioners, working alongside the friars in mission territories. He was a genuine visionary.
Joe Nangle was himself a great visionary, so it was a natural fit for him to continue the vision of Anselm and become involved in the work of FMS. Joe was totally dedicated not only to the concept of lay missionaries, but also to the areas of peace and justice. He saw the two areas as linked together.
Having served for years in Peru, Joe was keenly aware of the suffering of the poor in developing countries. He was dedicated not only to developing programs to help the poor but also to challenge the structures in society that contributed to poverty and human suffering.
He was a man of great faith, a prophetic figure. Prophets can make folks uncomfortable, because they remind us of who we are called to be as disciples, and what we should be about, in helping our fellow human beings. He had a gift for challenging us to look at the “bigger picture,” to look beyond ourselves and our own needs and concerns. Thus, it was a natural for him to be so interested in missionary endeavors such as FMS.
Missionary work is challenging, working for justice and peace is never easy. Thus many refrain from getting involved. But not Joe, he gave it his all, over and over and over!
The Franciscans, FMS, the world, is a better place because of Joe’s commitment to the Gospel, and his fellow human beings.
Question for reflection: How are you called to look at the “bigger picture” in the service of our fellow human beings?
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