Lessons from Preschool
Editor’s Note: Lay missioner Joleen Johnson recounts the lessons that she has learned from the preschool children at her ministry site. The pictures of children’s faces have been blurred for safety and confidentiality purposes. I recently changed my school ministry site to accompany the preschoolers at one of the Franciscan Sisters of Allegany’s schools. I…
Read MoreSomething That Important
Editor’s note: Development Associate Sam Hardwick reflects on the example of sacrifice that Jesus provides for us on the cross and how it leads to forgiveness. It’s really hard to forgive. When someone has wronged you in some way, or has led you astray, or caused you grief, or done any number of things that…
Read MoreJesus Commands Us To Love, Part 3: Transformation
Editor’s note: Missioner Janice Smullen shares her reflections on forgiveness and redemption. When I write “I will talk about my experience,” I only say that because my experience is all that I know. As you read, take what you like and leave the rest, but know that I share this with you because I am…
Read MoreLetting Go of the Past
Editor’s Note: President of the FMS Board of Directors Fr. Tom Washburn, OFM, reflects on the temptation to become so fixated and caught up in the past that we lose sight of the present and cannot move forward in our lives. Every now and then, you come across a quotation, a thought, or a statement that…
Read MoreComfort and Joy: Maranatha, Come Lord Jesus
Editor’s Note: As part of our “Comfort and Joy” Advent/Christmas blog series, DC Service Corps member Josh Maxey stresses the importance of God’s love and forgiveness. Each year the church invites all the faithful to joyfully prepare our hearts and our minds for the celebration of the birth of the savior of the world. The holy…
Read MoreComfort and Joy: Faith through Beauty
Editor’s Note: As part of our “Comfort and Joy” Advent/Christmas blog series, Michael Carlson, a former Communications Associate at Franciscan Mission Service, shares how he draws comfort through the times faith challenges him. Faith rarely makes me comfortable at all. I’m amused when people accuse religion, like Karl Marx did, of being an opiate, a fantasy distraction from reality.…
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