Baptism and Social Mission: 6 Not-so-Easy Reflection Questions to Ask Yourself About Baptism and Social Mission:
Inspired by Sacraments and Social Mission: Living the Gospel, Being Disciples–United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Franciscan Mission Service presents a blog series about the connection between our faith and our actions.
Sacraments and Social Mission focuses on the fulfillment of each sacrament as a call to mission.
2. Participation in the Communion of Saints requires a commitment to communion with Christ and “a life of charity” in “this world and in the next” (Christifideles Laici, nos. 17, 19).
3. The Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church reminds us, “By Baptism, the laity are incorporated into Christ and are made participants in his life and mission” (no. 541).
Mural from Cochabamba |
4. Pope John Paul II writes, “Because of the one dignity flowing from Baptism,” every baptized person “shares a responsibility for the Church’s mission” (Christifideles Laici, no. 15).
5. Christians believe that “Baptism does not take [the baptized] from the world at all.” Instead, the world becomes the “place” and “means” for the lay faithful to “fulfill their Christian vocation” (Christifideles Laici, no. 15).
6. Being “present and active in the world” is a “theological and ecclesiological reality”(Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, no. 543).
Doorway in Franciscan Missioners’ residence in Bolivia |
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