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Ministry at Centro Social Franciscano

Blog Headers 2023-24 (27)

Editor’s Note: Lay missioner Victor Artaiz describes the ministries of Centro Social Franciscano, the organization where he lives and serves in Cochabamba, Bolivia.

Franciscan Mission Service has provided its Overseas Lay Missioners the blessing of living at a converted convent in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Centro Social Franciscano has served the city’s community of people living on the periphery and many along the streets and alcoves of its parks and buildings since 2008.  

The group of employees and volunteers at the center prepare meals in its renovated kitchen and serve the community in the comfort of a comedor, a dining room. The updated services on  site provided are those of a medical doctor, a dentist, a psychologist, a renovated shower area, a new room to access donated clothing, and a new chapel where both Catholic Mass and community prayer are celebrated. The Center has again evolved into a growing locale of service, care, and love of thy neighbor. 

When I first arrived here in January of 2022, Cochabamba was still in the throes of the COVID-19  pandemic and confusion on how best to manage group communities. The Center was forced to discontinue most of its services, but it still prepared and served lunch three times a week as a walk-up and take away service. Now, more than two years later, thanks to the leadership of Padre Jorge, Hermano Marco, and Doña Nivia, and the investment of the managing Church of Saint Francis, El Centro has returned to the bustling activity and companionship of solidarity and charity, lifting up the dignity of those who pass through the Center’s doors 6 days per week.

The FMS local residents of the center–Ralph Anderson, OFS, and myself, Victor Artaiz–provide daily accompaniment to the community by means of kitchen, comedor, lunch delivery, and new clothing and shower coordination services. We are inspired by the resiliency of the community and the many relationships we have been blessed to cultivate here in God’s great harvest.

We are grateful for the foresight, planning, and continuing efforts of FMS to be able to provide a deep and fruitful Saints Francis & Clare mission opportunity here in the city of Cochabamba, Bolivia.

Have you ever considered discerning overseas mission? FMS is ready and willing to accompany your thoughts, questions and ideas.

Question for Reflection: Think of an organization in your community that provides services and resources like Centro Social Franciscano. How can you contribute to the ministries of that organization?


After a 30 year career in international business and serving communities in Kenya and locally in New Haven, CT, Victor Artaiz is grateful for the opportunity to serve and accompany individuals living on the margins in mutuality and simplicity through FMS’ Overseas Lay Missioner program. Victor's ministries in Cochabamba, Bolivia, include addiction recovery services, accompanying men who are incarcerated, and serving meals to people experiencing hunger.