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Loaves & Fishes

Loaves & Fishes by Victor Artaiz

Editor’s Note: Lay missioner Victor Artaiz and his mission team notice a need in the community and meet it with a collaborative project to provide lunches for students.

In a recent visit to a preschool in Los Molinos with our mission team made up of local Quechuan volunteers, Maryknoll Fathers, lay missioners, and myself, we noticed one of the students was sharing her homemade bowl of food with the other students during a late morning break. Upon inquiring with the teachers, we learned that the children need to bring lunch from home or go without. The local government does provide a healthy breakfast for the students of yogurt, bread, and a piece of fruit. However, the cost of lunches is beyond the community capability.

After a lengthy discussion, it was decided to hold a meeting with the parents to arrive at a group solution on how to provide lunch for the children. With financial “apoyo” (support) from the team and food contributions from the families, we realized that various sandwiches of tuna and chicken salads could be made up by parents, teachers and volunteers as well as homemade drinks of lemonade and “mocochinchi” a cinnamon, sugar, and clove based refreshment to be served in the late mornings.

It has been over one month since the lunch project kicked off, and the teachers have noticed more energy and ambition in the students’ behavior. This collaborative effort has also developed a growing trust within the community as new friendships have evolved between the families.

By way of the Franciscan virtues of accompaniment and charity, a void of hunger has been filled along with the benefits of unity through communal solidarity.

Question for reflection: How has your community come together to meet a need or to stand in solidarity?

After a 30 year career in international business and serving communities in Kenya and locally in New Haven, CT, Victor Artaiz is grateful for the opportunity to serve and accompany individuals living on the margins in mutuality and simplicity through FMS’ Overseas Lay Missioner program. Victor's ministries in Cochabamba, Bolivia, include addiction recovery services, accompanying men who are incarcerated, and serving meals to people experiencing hunger.