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Lessons from Under the Sea

Lessons from Under the Sea by Joleen Johnson

Editor’s Note: Lay missioner Joleen Johnson marvels at life and nature under the Caribbean Sea while contemplating this unfamiliar area of God’s creation.

I was recently given a very rare opportunity: to snorkel in the sea. These are some of the thoughts, questions, and lessons that passed through while I fixed my eyes, in wonder and awe, on what lies under the sea. 

Our plans for the day were canceled, out of our control, and I found myself in the Caribbean Sea contemplatively thinking about all of the things, coral, rocks, sea foliage, and of course, the numerous fish, that I was experiencing under the sea. One thought that kept coming to me was the amazement that all of these things were under the vast sea; the ocean has its entirely own ecosystem and a whole separate lively operation going on. Similar to all of the complexities by humans, interactions, interdependencies, and moving and shaking that we have going on on land, the sea has its own equally intricate system occurring. And I have never seen any of it, let alone thought about all that’s happening under the sea when I happen to see its blue-green surface. There’s so much underneath the surface! What else am I only seeing the surface of; of what else am I totally unaware of the vast complexity lying underneath or inside?

I continue to be absolutely amazed at God’s beautiful creation, in people I get the honor of encountering, in nature, and now under the sea. The colorful fish, each doing their own thing, but sticking together in a group and moving together in the same direction; the unique textures on each piece of coral and rock; the might of the waves and their ability to carry me gently far away without me noticing; and taking in all of the colors and intricate details under the sea, displayed God’s creative and amazing design to me again.

Another observation that caught my attention was not only the sights but also the sound underwater. Above were many noises, but under the sea there was a certain quiet, just the waves and water swishing could be heard. I was amazed how all of the other sounds drown out so well. To me, this quiet brought about a particular peace. I could feel the water and see the colors of God’s underwater designs and taste the salt of the water, but the lack of sound contributed to such a peaceful and focused experience. Guess what? The fish didn’t talk. I appreciated a quiet and peaceful place to be for the time. 

The creatures under the sea must have a type of trust too. I couldn’t see more than two feet or so in front of me due to the cloudiness of the water. Maybe it was the dense salt, but that made every moment more of a surprise; I couldn’t see too far ahead, but fish and coral would just suddenly appear in my sight for me to explore and enjoy. Where in my life might I be trying to look too far ahead, instead of enjoying each new gift that comes my way spontaneously? 

Through this blessed underwater experience of God’s creation, I am thankful for the time and contentment to contemplate such a marvelous wonder and deeper application to my life presented by this encounter under the sea. 

Questions for Reflection: Where is the most unique place you’ve ever explored? How have you admired and reflected on God’s creation there?

Joleen discovered her passion for overseas service during her first mission trip in 2012 to Guatemala. Since then she has served in Haiti and studied abroad in India, teaching English in an elementary school, after which she began to feel the call to longer term overseas service. Joleen is excited to see what God will teach her through FMS, and looks forward to living out His call for her. She is inspired by FMS’s humble and relational approach to ministry.