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Mission Monday: Meet Annemarie and Jeff!

Only threes days until Annemarie and Jeff leave for their two-year mission in Bolivia.  We’re very excited about their journey and we invite you to learn more about them and why they have chosen to go on mission with FMS.  Meet Annemarie Barrett! Meet Jeff Sved! You can view more videos by FMS on our…

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Mission Monday: Insights on Interreligious Dialogue (Part 2)

Friday we shared the first half of Br. John Kiesler, OFM’s recent workshop from the United States Catholic Mission Association conference in Los Angeles on interreligious dialogue.  Today we finish his talk on how St. Francis of Assisi’s encounter with the sultan can provide us with insight today. How can Francis’ encounter with the sultan…

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Mission Monday: The Act of Grounding

We all can use a check on our humility every now and then. But what does it really mean to be humble? Missioner Candidate Jeff Sved shares his reflection on this topic that was discussed on this past week’s formation retreat. Photo by Ian W Scott I wish there was an embarrassing story of some…

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Mission Monday: Ready, Set…

For this Mission Monday post, mission candidate Jeff Sved shares the process of slowing down that he’s found challenging during formation. Jeff’s picture of the Franciscan Monastery If asked to describe how formation has been so far, I’d say it has been a walk in the park. Are most of you picturing a lazy, unproductive…

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Mission Monday: Realizing one’s humanity is a good place to start.

Finishing up her second week in formation, mission candidate Annemarie Barrett shares her initial thoughts and reflections on preparing for mission. What was the essence of the life of Saint Francis? Following his example, how am I called to live as a lay missioner? As I engage the second week of formation as a lay…

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Mission Monday: Hospice Residents Celebrate Feast Day

Domestic Volunteers who staff the office at our headquarters are taking Wednesday afternoons to serve at various sites around the D.C. area.  Each volunteer is partnered with a non-profit and spending a few hours each week there through their service commitment at Franciscan Mission Service.  So far, volunteer Chelsea has had a festive experience at…

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