Live with Purpose

We recently finished the Easter Season with Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit descends from heaven on to the disciples. The disciples start speaking in many languages and are told to go out and preach the Gospel to all people, and they do—they go to the edge of the known world to spread the message to all peoples.
This is how the Easter Season ends, not with a call to return to their lives like so many of us do, but to keep spreading the good news in their lives. And just how are we supposed to live our daily lives like each day matters?
We must recognize that God works through all of us where ever we are in our faith journey. He will help us, and we must live our lives with a purpose. We must try to emulate Jesus in all that we do.
In order to live this way, we must build lasting relationships and strive for excellence for God. We are called to live our lives, just as the disciples were, to spread the Gospel and make every day matter.
Recently I joined Fr. Max to go bless a man’s house, a typical catholic tradition. I had heard of people getting their houses blessed many times before back home, but this time it was a little different because the man believed his house was haunted by duppies—Jamaican ghosts.
The main house was huge: four huge bedrooms, a giant kitchen, a big tv and couches. It was a house for a whole family, but only one man lived there. So Fr. Max , myself and two ladies from the parish came as well to the blessing of the house.. We sang songs while Fr. Max walked from room to room blessing each one with Holy Water. We prayed and Fr. Max gave the man a thin wooden cross.
I was talking to the man after the prayers and he told me that he lived in Canada for many years and built this house for retirement. He had poured tens of thousand of dollars into this house. He then said he had to sell the house because his wife wanted to stay in Canada. This man lived his life for something that didn’t matter.
He bought this giant house something that will fall apart and crumble something that will pass away. He poured everything into a house that he now has to sell. That is what many people do, myself included.
We give so much of ourselves for these things that don’t matter like a car, fame, a relationship. We are called to live extraordinary lives like Jesus and the disciples and do the exact opposite. As we are back in ordinary time of the church, remember that all our lives matter.
Featured image found on flickr Creative Commons from user Ted.
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