Millennial Lenten Reflections: That We All Might Be One
Editor’s Note: The following is part of Millennial Lenten Reflections, a blog series in collaboration with Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good. Short reflections on the day’s readings, written by young adults from FMS and other organizations, will be posted everyday throughout Lent.
Perhaps the most radical Christian belief is that of the equal dignity and worth of every person. It subverts every cultural, historical, and biological form of prejudice. St. Paul articulates it clearly, saying, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free person, there is not male and female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
Of course, the history of prejudice and inequality is long and ugly, and the struggle in our culture and faith to accept this belief and to practice it continues.
But today’s Gospel shows that this mission has been with the Church since the beginning. St. Mary Magdalene, who remains courageous and faithful during the Passion and after the death of Christ while others are afraid, is the first to hear of the resurrection, and the first to see Christ after the resurrection, according to Mark.
In an unquestionably patriarchal society, Christ first appears to a woman to reveal the most important news in human history: death has been conquered. The hopes of redemption, eternal life, and communion with God and one another—all of these are found in the resurrection. And this is not just a message for men or members of a certain race or ethnicity; it offers universal hope and a call to embrace the love that shatters all unjust prejudice so that we might all be one.
Robert Christian is the editor of Millennial.
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