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Welcome DC Service Corps Member Ali


When Ali stepped into St. Theresa’s room in Lisieux, France, her journey to service began. In the same place St. Theresa had an interior conversion and decided to become a missionary, Ali experienced a similar moment of hearing God’s call. Instead of St. Theresa’s characteristic roses, Ali saw that Stargazer lilies – her favorite flower – decorated the saint’s room. She was deeply moved.

“It was really a moment of faith for me,” Ali shared. “I wanted to do something centered on others, and [through that small sign, St. Theresa] helped push me in the direction of service.”

After her travels to Lisieux, her love of Franciscan spirituality brought Ali to FMS. As someone who deeply values personal interactions, the core FMS ideals of accompaniment and ministry of presence resonated deeply with her.

As a DC Service Corps member, Ali works at the Father McKenna Center supporting those who struggle against poverty and homelessness. In this role, she provides direct assistance through the daily food pantry and listens, responds to, and encourages the men to engage with the case management team at the center.

A true and proud Texas girl, Ali was born and raised in Houston and attended the University of Dallas to study Drama.

With a love of sewing, theater, singing, travel, and adventure, Ali is excited for her year of encountering new people and new environments.

Favorite Saint: “St. Therese of Lisieux. We had a saint book I really liked when I was 3 years old, and I picked her as my favorite saint because I thought she was the prettiest.”

Fun fact:I have 7 brothers and 1 sister. I am the second oldest.”

We prepare and support lay Catholics for two-year international, one-year domestic and 1-2 week short-term mission service opportunities in solidarity with impoverished and marginalized communities across the globe.

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