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Washington DC

Fleeting, Meaningful Moments

Editor’s Note: Reflecting on his program year thus far, DC Service Corps volunteer Philip Krabill shares a few meaningful moments that he experienced in unexpected circumstances. I have grown to love the DCSC program for many reasons. My ministry site, Little Friends for Peace gives me valuable work experience and meaningful insights into the human…

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Beauty and Joy

Editor’s Note: DC Service Corps volunteer Noah Duclos shares some takeaways from participating in a Holy Thursday tradition with his family and DCSC community this year. I had the great privilege of celebrating Easter in DC with my parents, who decided to visit and stay in Casa San Salvador with me and my community. It…

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The Long Walk

Editor’s note: Not all formation comes from a classroom or book.  Missioner-in-formation Ralph Anderson, OFS, shares what he learned on a self-directed day during his 3-month Formation program in Washington, DC. I can hardly  believe that I have been living at Casa San Salvador in Washington DC for six weeks. Time has flown by. I…

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Editor’s note: Transformed through her intentional peace ministry with Little Friends for Peace, DC Service Corps volunteer Erin Frances Reinhart shares an experience of collective transformation for her students, her colleagues, and herself. Alexandria City Public Schools offers high-quality after-school programming at schools and community-based sites through Linking Instruction Nurturing Knowledge (LINK) Club. Link Clubs…

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Feeling Welcomed in DC

Editor’s note: DCSC Volunteer Anne-Marie Elsinger, describes her experience becoming familiar with DC from an African perspective. I have always considered DC a big city with a small city feel. It has a population of almost 700,000 people, yet people still greet you on the street. I came to DC because I deeply desired immersion…

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March for Joy

Editor’s note: Development Associate Sam Hardwick reflects on what it means to “March for Life.” “What does it mean to ‘March for Life’?” This was the question that buzzed around my head the day of the March for Life in Washington, D.C. on January 19. Looking around at all of the people during the Mass…

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A Sant’ Egidio Experience: Seeing Christ and Fueling Fires

Editor’s note: Missioner-in-training Tim Shelgren tells the story of the FMS community joining Sant’Egidio, a group of volunteers in DC who meet every Friday night to prepare foods, walk out into the streets, and offer their goods to men and women who are experiencing homelessness.  As we set out for 21st Street tonight, we originally thought…

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Were You There: What Did You Do?

Editor’s Note: NSLP alumna Bridget Higginbotham shares about attending the Mass at the White House for Muslim Refugees, and reflects on how the next step after being present is taking action. Sometimes I imagine that 50 years from now, future generations will ask me about something they learned about in history class. The conversation might…

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The Rare Calm of Early Mass

Editor’s note: FMS staffer Kim Puchir reflects on the meaning she finds in attending early Mass. Daily Mass is anything but everyday. Yes, it takes you to untraveled corners of the liturgical calendar with their feasts and saints. But I find that attending Mass in the early morning hours is the best way to get…

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Strong Arms Holding On: Christmas Prayers from the Father McKenna Center

On Tuesday, December 20, I spent time with DC Service Corps volunteer Ali Sentmanat and her friends and colleagues at The Father McKenna Center in downtown DC. I was hoping to find a little Christmas among the men there, many with no homes and troubled with physical or mental health issues or addiction. And in…

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Be Not Afraid: Casting My Cares Upon God

Editor’s Note: DC Service Corps participant Madonna Enwe shares how answering a call to help those who were affected by the earthquake in Nepal showed her a deeper lesson about placing trust in God. I was sitting in one of the cramped study rooms at my college intensely studying for an Organic Chemistry exam when…

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Be Not Afraid to Choose You

Editor’s Note: Programs associate Amanda Saunders shares how pushing past the fear of how we are perceived by others leads to true freedom and lived out faith in God’s plan.  It seems that when you enter into adulthood everything becomes about how you are perceived by others. There is a fear of not living up…

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Be Not Afraid: Finding Joy

Editor’s Note: Graphic design and communications associate Kathleen Strycula reflects on the active nature of waiting. Do you know those times when you sit in front of your computer screen or notebook, waiting for artistic inspiration to strike? For those perfect words or the story you’ve always felt was waiting inside you? Or when you feel…

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Be Not Afraid and Offer Your Yes

Editor’s Note: DC Service Corps member Ali Sentmanat reflects on the road that led her to a year of direct service with Franciscan Mission Service and the anxieties she overcame along the way. If you are overcome with fear all the time, will you get anywhere? At the same time that I was looking into…

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Be Not Afraid: Talk about Your Childhood Fears

Editor’s Note: Missioner-in-training Misty Menis-Kyler reflects on the Scripture passage she returns to whenever she feels fear or feels anxious. Fear is one of the hardest things to overcome. It is the devil’s greatest tool to turn us against God and each other. Our wars and conflicts stem from fear. We are scared that the…

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Be Not Afraid of the Unknown

Editor’s Note: DC Service Corps member Chase Medelberg shares how the journey that led him to FMS required him to push through his fears of choosing a year of service over a corporate job. Since my sophomore year of college I really wanted to participate in a year of service. I told my parents and they…

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Class 32 Commissioning

On November 12, Anna Klonowski, Misty Menis-Kyler, Cindy Mizes, and Maggie Van Roekel were commissioned as Franciscan Mission Service lay missioners. They will serve overseas with FMS at one of four diverse locations for at least the next two years. Misty will be serving at the Valle de los Ángeles School in Guatemala. Cindy is headed…

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Happy Day

Editor’s note: Missioner-in-training Cindy Mizes reflects on her service at the Jeanne Jugan Residence, where she has formed relationships with the residents. Every Wednesday morning, I take a 30 minute walk from Casa San Salvador through the Catholic University of America campus to the Jeanne Jugan Residence, a long-term care facility for the elderly with limited…

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IDs and Identity

Editor’s note: Missioner-in-training Anna Klonowski reflects on the role of identity in her time serving at the Father McKenna Center in Washington, DC.    Every Wednesday morning of Formation, I have the opportunity to help out at the Father McKenna Center, an organization that provides services to men experiencing homelessness in DC. During my time…

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Presence in the Everyday

Editor’s note: Missioner-in-training Maggie Van Roekel has an encounter that gives her a new perspective on the practice of ministry of presence in daily life. During the first few weeks of formation, we’ve talked a lot about ministry of presence. FMS really embraces not only serving, but also opening our ears and our hearts to…

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Just Smile

Editor’s Note: Missioner-in-training Misty Menis-Kyler reflects on a thought-provoking encounter with a man experiencing homelessness as she served food and drink to those in need in Washington DC. Last week, in addition to our regular formation classes, I  had an amazing opportunity to go out into the streets of DC and give food and drink…

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Formed in Love

Editor’s Note: Missioner-in-training Cindy Mizes reflects on what led her to FMS and shares her experience of the first weeks of formation in Washington, DC. When asked what led me to become a missioner, frankly the only thing I could say was that it was a calling from God.  In truth, I didn’t understand the…

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Welcome DC Service Corps Member Madonna

Even while she was in pursuit of a neuroscience degree in college, Madonna Enwe still engaged in service as much as possible. Participating in a DC Urban Plunge experience left a lasting impression on her and she knew she wanted to do more. Madonna met one of the FMS office associates at a pizza night…

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Welcome DC Service Corps Member Ali

When Ali stepped into St. Theresa’s room in Lisieux, France, her journey to service began. In the same place St. Theresa had an interior conversion and decided to become a missionary, Ali experienced a similar moment of hearing God’s call. Instead of St. Theresa’s characteristic roses, Ali saw that Stargazer lilies – her favorite flower…

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Welcome DC Service Corps Member Chase

Chase Medelberg is a proud Texan and was teaching the Texas Pledge of Allegiance to the curious FMS community within days of his arrival at FMS. Born and raised in the city of Krum – “home of the Fighting Bobcats” – he loves golfing, reading, snow, college football, and education. Chase’s passion for education and…

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Welcome Program Coordinator Katherine Cespedes!

With a heart for cross-cultural outreach and nonprofit service, Katherine Cespedes is the newest member of the Franciscan Mission Service office. Born in Lima, Peru, and raised in Miami, Florida, she loves telling stories about her many travels and cultural experiences. “In my leisure time, I go to completely new environments and meet diverse people.…

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Welcome Programs Associate Amanda Saunders!

As soon as she arrived at the Franciscan Mission Service office, programs associate Amanda Saunders placed two items on her new desk: a Neumann knight water bottle and a spongy Neumann knight stress ball. The Neumann University mascot is a tribute to St. Francis, who served as a knight before he heard God’s call to…

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Welcome Communications Associate Kathleen!

As 2016 graduate Kathleen Strycula walked down the steps of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception with her Catholic University of America (CUA) diploma in hand, her gaze drifted across the street to the Franciscan Mission Service (FMS) office where she would begin the next chapter in her life. While speaking…

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Portraits of Christ: Tom and the Paradox of Poverty

Editor’s Note: DC Service Corps member Lizzy Balboa concludes her series on the “Portraits of Christ.” In this final post, she tells the story of a man who had to lose it all to find his way back to Christ. I’ve received the warm smile of Christ in His modern embodiment of Tom. Tom was a prominent…

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Portraits of Christ: LeShay and the Sins of Our Fathers

Editor’s Note: For her year of service as part of DC Service Corps, Lizzy Balboa volunteers with Little Friends for Peace, a nonprofit organization in the DC area that promotes inner and inter-personal peace skills within children and adults. In the second installment of her “Portraits of Christ” series, Lizzy shares a story of brokenness passed…

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Portraits of Christ

Editor’s Note: For her year of service as part of DC Service Corps, Lizzy Balboa volunteers with Little Friends for Peace, a nonprofit organization in the DC area that promotes inner and inter-personal peace skills within children and adults. With this special series, she will provide an in-depth look at some of the lives that she’s…

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San Damiano Servant Leadership Award Winner Announced

Editor’s Note: Franciscan Mission Service is very pleased to name St. John’s University senior Brandon Turner the winner of this year’s San Damiano Servant Leadership Award. After looking at St. John’s University senior Brandon Turner’s resume, one might wonder, “When does he have time to sleep?” Brandon is a member of the Phi Eta Sigma…

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Letting Go and Having Total Trust in God

Editor’s Note: DC Service Corps member Josh Maxey reflects on the fact that if we focus too much on what the world wants of us, it will be harder to discern what God wants of us. Philippians 4:6-7, NLT Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him…

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Letting Go of Balto

Editor’s Note: Communications associate Maria Beben reflects on letting go of feeling wronged when, as it so often does, life took a very different turn than what she expected after college. Sometimes, the greatest adventure lies not in traveling far distances, but in looking at the familiar with new eyes. This time last year, I…

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Letting Go of Taking Life Too Seriously

Editor’s Note: Development Associate Sarah Sokora shares how the precarious walk to work after a recent snowstorm led to some deeper realizations and a reminder not to take herself so seriously. The Lord often shows Himself to me in little ways: an unexpected breeze, a warm sign of peace from the little old lady at mass…

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Letting Go: Daily Surrender

Editor’s Note: DC Service Corps member Julie Bauerle reflects on her journey before she arrived at Franciscan Mission Service and the realization that striving to follow God’s will applies to daily life as well as the extended future. In my life, I have always tried to do the will of God. A few months ago…

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Welcome Associate Director Meghan!

When she first met former Franciscan Mission Service missioner Nora Pfieffer, Meghan Meros had no way of knowing that this brief introduction to FMS would reappear several times years later. Meghan first met Nora in 2009 when the two were placed in the same small group during the Catholics on Call Conference at the Catholic…

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The Little Things: The Power of Shared Experience

Editor’s Note: In the conclusion of “The Little Things” series, communications associate Maria Beben reflects on the communal nature of the human person and the power behind this shared experience of humanity. Recently, the phrase “Make me a channel of your peace” has been stuck in my head (Franciscan problems…) Without fully realizing it though, I’ve started to adopt…

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The Little Things: Openness

Editor’s Note: In the latest installment of “The Little Things” series, communications associate Maria Beben explores the power of openness and the importance of recognizing that we don’t always know what’s best in any given situation.  It’s often in the moments when we throw up our hands and admit “Okay, fine. I don’t know anything and…

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The Little Things: Moments of Certainty in an Uncertain World

Editor’s Note: Communications associate Maria Beben continues her mini-series “The Little Things.” In the world, we are constantly faced with decisions and have no guarantee of how our choices will pan out. This uncertainty can be paralyzing, but it is in moments of trust that we are led to the beautiful freedom of certainty. Check back next Wednesday for the next installment in the…

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Welcome DC Service Corps Member Julie!

Sometimes, following God’s call redirects us off our current path and takes us down a much different one. For Julie Bauerle, moving to Washington, DC to join the inaugural class of DC Service Corps wasn’t the traditional next step. After attending Northern Kentucky University Chase College of Law and passing the Bar Examination, Julie realized that her heart was not set on…

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The Little Things

Editor’s Note: Embracing the power of perspective, today communications associate Maria Beben launches a three-part series calling for reflection on “the little things” in life that are too often overlooked and unappreciated. Check back next Wednesday for the next installment. When I was a student at The Catholic University of America, I had a very…

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Comfort and Joy: Maranatha, Come Lord Jesus

Editor’s Note: As part of our “Comfort and Joy” Advent/Christmas blog series, DC Service Corps member Josh Maxey stresses the importance of God’s love and forgiveness.  Each year the church invites all the faithful to joyfully prepare our hearts and our minds for the celebration of the birth of the savior of the world. The holy…

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Comfort and Joy: Finding Joy in Social Justice

Editor’s Note: As part of our “Comfort and Joy” Advent/Christmas blog series, Programs Associate Katie Rotterman shares the joy she has found through attending Mass at a parish community that deeply resonates with her. I fell in love with the parish community at the Shrine of Sacred Heart in Washington, DC on March 21, 2015 – ten…

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Comfort and Joy: Exactly Where I Needed to Be

Editor’s Note: As part of our “Comfort and Joy” Advent/Christmas blog series, Communications Associate Maria Beben shares some of her experiences from her time volunteering at a nursing home in Washington, DC.  My year as a communications associate with Franciscan Mission Service (FMS) includes a weekly volunteer component of direct service. As someone who experiences anxiety…

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What Brings You Comfort and Joy?

This year, we interviewed each member of the Casa San Salvador community to find out what brings them “comfort and joy.” Comfort and Joy through Faith and Service: [su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiVtxpp38Oc&feature=youtu.be”] Comfort and Joy: “JOY” as an Acronym: [su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5F6XZIh7DM&feature=youtu.be”] Comfort in God’s Plan: [su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwxMIjJ5Lw8&feature=youtu.be”] Comfort in Community: [su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uk85H0PHSQw”] Comfort and Joy: Casa San…

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Comfort and Joy: St. Francis’ Story of Perfect Joy

Editor’s Note: As part of our “Comfort and Joy” Advent/Christmas blog series, Development Associate Sarah Sokora shares the story of St. Francis and “true and perfect joy.”  Our dear Saint Francis is known for his wild deeds, but his story of “true and perfect joy” proves that his antics are not thoughtless, but are in keeping with his…

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Comfort and Joy: Meeting Ann in Her Cozy Room

Editor’s note: As part of our “Comfort and Joy” Advent/Christmas blog series, MJ Park, co-founder and co-director of Little Friends for Peace, reflects on where she has found peace in her own life. Little Friends for Peace is a nonprofit organization that empowers children and adults to solve problems nonviolently. Little Friends For Peace has been working in the Sursum…

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Comfort and Joy: Prayer and Thanks

Editor’s Note: As part of our “Comfort and Joy” Advent/Christmas blog series, Br. Thomas Piolata, an O. F. M. Capuchin, shares how he sees the face of Christ in the people that he serves.  Every Sunday morning, I have the great privilege of serving food to those experiencing homelessness with the Missionaries of Charity and some of my Capuchin colleagues. We…

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Comfort and Joy: Vulnerability

Editor’s note: As part of our “Comfort and Joy” Advent/Christmas blog series, DC Service Corps member Lizzy Balboa shares how living in community has challenged her to embrace vulnerability and how, through this vulnerability, she has found comfort and joy. A few weeks ago, one of my community members asked when in my life I’ve felt most at…

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