Day 2: Unknown
Editor’s Note: In the second day of our Advent blog series, DCSC Volunteer Fede Wettstein embraces the Unknown, contemplating the beauty of God’s grace beyond our sight or knowledge.
We find comfort in knowledge. As the saying goes, “knowledge is power.” There are things that we are aware that we know, the known knowns, and things that we do not know that we know, the unknown knowns.
However, if knowledge is power, then the opposite is also true. There is a sense of powerlessness that comes from the Unknown. There are things that we don’t yet know that we don’t know and as such these unknown unknowns do not affect us since we are oblivious to their existence. The problem then is with those things that we know that we don’t know, the known unknowns.
Another common reaction to the Unknown is fear. Haven’t we all experienced it at some point? In an era where we find the answers to most of our questions on our hand-held devices, it seems inescapable to fear those things we cannot find an immediate answer for. For instance, Google can tell us what COVID-19 is and how it is transmitted, but it cannot tell us when, how, or even if it will ever be over. And these unanswered questions, these known unknowns, sow fear and powerlessness in our hearts.
No one thrives in fear or powerlessness. If anything, these are catalysts to feelings that drive us away from God and his grace: anxiety, defeat, helplessness, hopelessness, among others.
We fear the Unknown because we are configured to prepare ourselves for the worst outcome as a survival mechanism. However, we often forget that in the Unknown also lies the best outcome.
Like knowledge, I believe that there are four possible outcomes from the Unknown: worst known, worst unknown, best known, and best unknown. And here I want to focus on the worst known and the best unknown. The worst known outcome is the one that provokes fear and powerlessness, it is the outcome we have been configured to prepare ourselves for. The best unknown are those unexpected wonderful outcomes that lie beyond the Unknown. God’s grace and His plan are the best unknown.
Instead of facing the Unknown with the worst known in mind, I want to invite you all to face the Unknown with the best unknown in mind. This paradigm shift will fill our hearts with joy and hope.
As I invite you into this Serenity Prayer, let’s ask God for the wisdom to understand that we cannot change the Unknown and the serenity to accept it. Furthermore, let’s ask God to strengthen our faith so that we can surrender ourselves to Him and trust his plan.
The Unknown is a reality and it will be there whether we like it or not. Let’s take advantage of our free-will and embrace the best unknown while letting go of the known worst.
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
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