Day 11: A New Bethlehem
Editor’s Note: For day 11 of our Advent series “The Day of Joy Drew Near,” DC Service Corps alumnus Sam Hardwick writes a poem that contemplates the Nativity of Jesus and how we participate in this new birth through Baptism and the Eucharist.
Birth in a strange land.
Joy and amazement from a message.
Truth, unexpected and without riches.
Praise and thanksgiving, a Savior is here.
Simplicity, found in a Mother and Father whose love can be touched.
Hope, our God has come.
Birth in a strange land.
A message, received by water.
Riches, unseen yet abounding from the Truth.
Our Savior finds praise and thanksgiving.
Love seeks a simple home in the arms of a Father, in the sight of a Mother.
God’s hope blossoms anew.
Birth in a familiar land.
The message, confirmed by joy and amazement.
Truth, fulfilled and as promised.
All Praise and All Thanksgiving.
Simple Love’s embrace.
Hope transformed into Communion.
Question for Reflection: What sights, sounds, and feelings come to mind when you contemplate Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem?