Contribute to the event’s success and support our mission!

Through sponsorship, you can demonstrate your support for Franciscan Mission Service and reach the Franciscan and Franciscan-hearted guests who attend our event. From Catholic young adults to seasoned ministry professionals, our event attendees are passionate about building a Church that meets the most pressing needs of our world today. Let them—and the thousands that visit our website—know that you share their passion by becoming a sponsor today.

Sponsor Levels and Benefits

St. Francis Patron Level Sponsor ($5,000)

Includes a reserved table (10 tickets), special recognition at the event through signage and announcement from the podium, and option to display your literature at the event. We will also include your information in our email newsletter and display your name/logo on our website.

St. Clare Patroness Level Sponsor ($2,500)

Includes four tickets to the event plus special recognition through an announcement from the podium and the option to display your literature at the event. We will also include your information in our email newsletter and display your name/logo on our website.

Assisi Level Sponsor ($1,000)

Includes two tickets and your name announced at the event. Have your name/logo on display on our website with a mention in our email newsletter.

Tau Level Sponsor ($500)

Includes one ticket and the opportunity to have your name/logo on display on our website with a mention in our email newsletter.

Other Ways to Contribute

Donate to the Silent Auction

The silent auction features artwork, religious items, experiences, and other items of interest to those attending. If you or your organization have an idea or item to share, please contact FMS.

Sponsor a Ticket

Build our Franciscan community by purchasing a ticket for a young adult or a Franciscan religious (sister or friar) who may not otherwise be able to attend the event.


Please contact FMS Associate Director Rose Hardwick, or 202-832-1762.