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Bienvenidos to our New Mission Candidates!

Franciscan Mission Service (FMS) would like to give a big welcome to its two new lay mission candidates, Kitzi Hendricks and Michael Redell! Kitzi is originally from northern California and Michael is orignally from western Michigan. Slated to arrive and begin their two-year service in Cochabamba, Bolivia in January 2012, both of them possess a zeal for working and living alongside Bolivians as they live out the call of the Gospel and carry out a ministry of presence.

After an insightful discussion and celebration of Mass at the Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land, Kitzi and Michael share some smiles with
Fr. Jeremy Harrington, OFM. (Photo: M. Lorch)
During the 13-week formation period, both of them will be studying and discerning about a variety of topics related to their two years of mission. They will follow core courses, such as “Scripture and Mission,” and participate in seminars and workshops on a varitety of topics like Environmental Justice, Franciscan Spirituality, and Boundaries in Mission. Please pray for both of them, as well as their families, friends, and supporters, as they journey towards commissioning in early December 2011!
For Reflection: If you are a former or current missioner of FMS, what were some of the highlights of formation? How did you grow in your walk with the Lord and your discernment for mission?
Written by: Matt Lorch

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We prepare and support lay Catholics for two-year international, one-year domestic and 1-2 week short-term mission service opportunities in solidarity with impoverished and marginalized communities across the globe.

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