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The Big Reveal

Members of Mission Class 30 with flags representing the countries where they will be serving

They’ve been waiting. And praying…and waiting and praying some more.

With much anticipation, the five members of Mission Class 30 learned this week which countries they will each be traveling to in January to being at least two years of service and solidarity.

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Brandon Newland and Patrick Montine are on their way to Jamaica to work alongside the OFM friars from the St. John the Baptist Province in their parishes and associated ministries in the Diocese of Montego Bay.


Tom Little is Bolivia-bound to continue a 20-plus-year tradition of Franciscan lay missioner accompaniment in one of the poorest countries in Latin America.


Amanda Ceraldi and Maeve Gallagher will go to Guatemala to join the OFM friars from the Immaculate Conception Province at the Valley of the Angels boarding school for those who are poor or orphaned.


Tuesday’s “Big Reveal” wrapped up weeks and months of discernment on the part of the missioners-in-training, the FMS staff, and our overseas partners. The future lay missioners began their formation in Washington, DC at the end of August and will continue through Thanksgiving. All are invited to their Commissioning Mass on Nov. 23.

We prepare and support lay Catholics for two-year international, one-year domestic and 1-2 week short-term mission service opportunities in solidarity with impoverished and marginalized communities across the globe.

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