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Throwback Thursday: “It was a Dark and Stormy Night”

Editor’s Note: In celebration of our 25th year of preparing and supporting lay missioners, we’re sharing stories from the archives of ourWorld Care newsletter. Today’s post was originally published in 2000 and is by lay missioner Steve Grube (Brazil, 1999-2000) about traveling to his mission assignment in the interior of Brazil. We pushed off from the dock in Belem…

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Amazon Day and the Martyrom of Rainforest Protectors

Yasuní National Park As the most biodiverse place in the world, the Yasuní National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon teems with life.  Just one hectacre of of the park has as many species of tree and shrubs as all of Canada and the United States combined. In addition to plants and animals, the rainforest is…

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