Authentic Self
You Got It All!
Editor’s Note: Lay Missioner Anna Metzger reflects on giving her gifts and talents to all those she encounters. Through a happenstance reply, she recounts how God has provided through her with a renewed gratitude and awareness. In my last blog, I challenged you to “be attentive to the present and step into the moments where…
Read MoreDay 31: Courage
Editor’s Note: Former DCSC volunteer Nayeli Garcia reflects on having the courage to recognize your full self, the sum of all that makes up who you are in this moment, and being able to grow in your faith through it. As individuals, we strive to be our true selves. We want to feel invincible, undefeated,…
Read MoreDay 27: Gifts
Editor’s Note: Communications Associate Bekah Galucki dives into what “gifts” and how we can offer them back to God by recalling the Presentation of the Gifts within the context of Mass. She shares how her own personal experience of bringing gifts to the altar has been transformed. When I think of gifts, my mind immediately…
Read MoreLove Blooms In Vulnerability
Editor’s Note: Return Missioner, Amanda Ceraldi, shares how love has bloomed in vulnerable conversations with students at Catholic University of America. The box of tissues on my desk is almost empty. My office couch has been occupied by countless students. If the walls of my office could talk, they would tell you stories of heartbreak,…
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