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Add to Our Prayer Wall


Each day of Advent, we’re sharing a prayer from one of our missioners, people they serve, volunteers, staff, board members and friends all around the world.

Today’s prayer is from Tim Marcy, one of our lay missioners in South Africa who works at an HIV/AIDS clinic and is a practicing deacon.

“This Christmas I am thankful for my wife, family and friends – and that I do what I like to do: travel, meet new people and help people with my knowledge and person.”

Tim writes words of hope on a wall in the Regina Mundi church in South Africa, one of the homes of Aparteid movement

YOU can add a prayer to FMS’ virtual prayer wall on our website. We’d love to know what you are thankful for this Christmas and what you are praying for in 2012.

The Marcys have gone on mission twice with FMS. From 2004 to 2006, they served at the San Pedro Parish Medical Clinic in Sacaba, Bolivia where Cecilia was a nurse and Tim was a pharmacist and worked with children.

From 2009 to 2012 they served at the St. Francis Care Centre in Johannesburg, South Africa. Tim worked in the center’s outpatient facility and ministered to the homebound.
Cecilia worked as a nurse at the hospice for patients with HIV or AIDS.