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Lenten Litany: Prayer for Detachment

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Editor’s Note: As we journey through the sacred season of Lent, our Overseas Lay Missioners and DC Service Corps volunteers will be compiling a Lenten Litany, each writing a one-line prayer close to their hearts. Today, Overseas Lay Missioner Julia Pinto, who serves on the U.S.-Mexico border, shares a prayer to detach from the things of this world.

Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.

That we may be detached from the things of this world in striving for the things that truly matter. Lord, by your cross and resurrection, you have set us free.

Through Your light and love, we may find comfort and resilience. Lord, by your cross and resurrection, you have set us free.

When I fall into fear and grief instead of embracing Your everlasting love and trusting in the goodness You bring. Lord, by your cross and resurrection, you have set us free.
When we don’t give ourselves the grace that Christ has bought for us. Lord, by your cross and resurrection, you have set us free.
When I doubt Your desire to heal and restore me. Lord, by your cross and resurrection, you have set us free.
May our prayers, and those from around the world, for peace in Ukraine be heard and manifested through your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Lord, by your cross and resurrection, you have set us free.
Light the path of the migrants in the desert, keeping them from harm. Lord, by your cross and resurrection, you have set us free.

Reflection: The song “Strip It All Away” by John Wilds captures my heart’s intention this Lent. (I would encourage you to give it a listen if you have not heard it as yet.) As we journey through life, it seems that we become attached to more and more possessions, attitudes, and ideas that only matter temporarily. The joy of Franciscan simplicity invites us to possess nothing and discover that in doing so we have everything we need – that God alone can satisfy our deepest needs and desires. This does not necessarily mean that we give up the necessities of life, in material poverty, but rather poverty of spirit – having the willingness to surrender (fill in the blank) if that is what God asks of us.

The Cross tells me of the unimaginable, strange, eternal goodness brought about by such a sacrifice of complete detachment from this world. This Lent, I want to recognize and tackle the earthly things to which I find my heart attached – e.g. pride, approval from others, financial security, ease, attention – and strive to internally prioritize the treasures of heaven – e.g. love, peace, joy, patience, humility, gentleness, forgiveness, generosity, self-control, and kindness. My prayer is to be able to trust God enough that I would let go of the rocks in my hands and then receive the pearls He wishes to give me in return. 

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Julia graduated from The University of Texas at Dallas in May 2015 with a BS in Mathematics and a Math Teacher Certification at the ripe age of 20. She taught Geometry, Algebra 2, Precalculus and Statistics for four years in a public high school in Richardson, Texas, as well as another year in a private school in Takoma Park, Maryland. Julia’s desire to serve and minister like St. Francis drew her to Washington D.C. to work as a Publications and Communications Associate with the US Catholic Mission Association through the DC Service Corps program, where she researched and helped support various mission organizations around the world. This call to mission now pushes Julia to venture beyond D.C. to serve as a missioner on the US-Mexico border. In her free time, Julia enjoys reading, working out, dancing, meeting strangers, and solving all kinds of puzzles.