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Guiding Principles

Guiding Principles by Eileen DeGuire

Editor’s Note: In her first FMS blog post, Eileen DeGuire discusses a few sayings that describe her experience as a DC Service Corps volunteer thus far.

My FMS DCSC experience can be summed up by two phrases: “talk the talk and walk the walk” and “let go and let God.” Both my ministry work and community life have underscored the importance of these guiding principles.

As an Advocacy Associate at the Franciscan Action Network (FAN), I am part of an organization dedicated to advocating for Franciscan values in the public sphere. The organization focuses on issues including care for creation, peacemaking, poverty, and human rights, with my particular focus on immigration. Through this role, I’ve gained insight into the complexities of U.S. immigration policy and its injustices. I’ve also discovered that many faith organizations are actively living out their values through advocacy. While it can sometimes seem that various faith traditions preach values without always practicing them, organizations like FAN, Islamic Relief, and HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) embody their teachings through tangible actions. 

In terms of my own work, I have struggled with what it meant for me to identify as a Catholic. However, I have realized through my ministry, interacting with the other members of my community, and the readings as of late, that doing the work and treating people as we have been told to do is just as if not more important than talking about it. Recent experiences, including a FAN event where we discussed voting rights and the hypothetical actions of Jesus, have reinforced that acting on our values—such as advocating for the marginalized—is crucial. It’s one thing to say, “We should feed the poor and support immigrants,” and another to work toward changing the systems that perpetuate these issues.

The phrase “let go and let God,” or similar sentiments like “go with the flow,” haves been a recurring theme in my DCSC experience. While I came into this year with some expectations, the reality has been full of surprises. For example, a simple bonfire with the Capuchins at Capuchin College evolved into weekly Masses, meaningful conversations, and yummy pastries and coffee with a wonderful group of people I might not have otherwise met.

Keeping these phrases in mind has helped me fully embrace and find fulfillment in my work and experiences. I am confident that, by continuing to do so, I will continue to learn and grow throughout this year.

Question for Reflection: How is God calling you to put your faith and values into action in your life?

Eileen DeGuire is from Milwaukee, WI, is a recent graduate from Loyola University Chicago with degrees in Political Science and Global Studies. She is excited to be part of the DC Service Corps, serving at the Franciscan Action Network (FAN). Eileen is looking forward to using her skills in policy and advocacy at FAN to work for marginalized communities and work for policies that would protect and support them. She was drawn to FMS because of the community-wide focus on social justice and building deep relationships with each other, in addition to further developing and exploring spirituality. In her free time, Eileen likes to cook/bake, watch shows/movies, and exercise (bike rides, swimming, etc).