Take the Pledge to Join Our Missioner Prayer Community
This August, our new class of overseas missioners Catholics will begin their three-month Formation program with us in Washington, D.C. This training is essential in preparing them to work for peace and justice abroad.
But it’s not always easy. The 13 weeks are packed with workshops, lectures, paper work, homework, retreats, prayer, reflection, volunteering, community bonding and simple living. They’re examining who they are and what God is calling them to. They’re preparing to travel to a totally new place to live and serve in solidarity with the poor. They’re saying goodbye to friends and family.
Your prayers can help them during this time of transition. Be a part of their mission by joining our missioner prayer community. You can sign up as an individual, or as a family, fraternity, class or community.
How it works:
- Take the pledge
- Pray for our five new missioners during their 13 weeks of training in Washington, D.C.
- Your name and intentions are recorded in our missioner prayer community book and placed in our chapel. Our missioners will pray for you during their daily prayers and weekly Mass.
- Receive a weekly email update about how the missioners are doing during training.
Also, you can submit a picture of you with your prayer for our missioners (as you see our staff members above) either on our Facebook or to info@franciscanmissionservice.org.
By officially signing up, it lets our missioners know who is praying for them and who they can be praying for in return. Praying for our missioners can be as simple as remembering them in your daily intentions. But if you’re looking for something more, you might use the following prayer:
Franciscan Prayer for Missioners
Lord, make our sisters and brothers serving in other countries instruments of your peace. . .
In the midst of conflict give them serene spirits.
Where there is hatred, let them sow love. . .
Grant that our missioners be bridges of reconciliation.
Where there is injury, pardon…
Make our missioners a truly healing presence.
Where there is doubt, faith. . .
Gift our missioners with absolute trust in your providence.
Where there is despair, hope. . .
Keep our missioners ever-mindful of your empowering presence in the world.
Where there is darkness, light. . .
Grant that the witness of our missioners illumine the way for all they encounter.
Where there is sadness, joy. . .
Keep the spirits of our missioners lifted by the grace of their vocation.
O Divine Master, may our missionary sisters and brothers not so much seek to be consoled as to console…
In the midst of the pain which they witness.
To be understood, as to understand…
In the trying reality of their missionary lives.
To be loved, as to love…
Each person without thought of class, race, or religion.
Help our missioners believe the all-important truth:
That in giving, they receive
That in pardoning, they are pardoned
And that in dying, they are born to eternal life.
Thanks for spiritually supporting our missioners on their journey to serve in solidarity with the poor abroad!
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