class 32
A Letter to My Dad
Editor’s note: In celebration of Father’s Day, Missioner Misty Menis-Kyler shares a letter she wrote to her dad and reflects on how, in his life and his faith, he is an amazing role model for her. Dear Dad, I have written and re-written this letter so many times, but I just could not find the…
Read MoreBe Not Afraid: Bridging Over Fear
Editor’s note: Missioner Maggie Van Roekel reflects on the whisperings of fear and the overcoming power of trust, hope, and love which led her to hearing God’s call to mission. “Do not be afraid.” I hear this phrase during so many Sunday mornings and I read it in the words of Jesus when I open…
Read MoreBe Not Afraid: Talk about Your Childhood Fears
Editor’s Note: Missioner-in-training Misty Menis-Kyler reflects on the Scripture passage she returns to whenever she feels fear or feels anxious. Fear is one of the hardest things to overcome. It is the devil’s greatest tool to turn us against God and each other. Our wars and conflicts stem from fear. We are scared that the…
Read MoreBe Not Afraid: “Therefore Will I Trust You Always”
Editor’s note: Missioner Anna Klonowski reflects on her past experience studying abroad in Guatemala and the fear she overcame in traveling to a new country. My sophomore year of college, I was accepted into my university’s study abroad program in Guatemala for the following spring semester. I felt so excited–ready for a new journey and…
Read MoreBe Not Afraid: Strength in the Aftermath
Editor’s Note: Missioner Cindy Mizes reflects on the Nepalese earthquake in 2015 and how she was able to move past her fear for her own security in order to serve and assist in the relief efforts. When I read the headlines on April 25, 2015, describing the major earthquake that struck Nepal, fear immediately welled…
Read MoreClass 32 Commissioning
On November 12, Anna Klonowski, Misty Menis-Kyler, Cindy Mizes, and Maggie Van Roekel were commissioned as Franciscan Mission Service lay missioners. They will serve overseas with FMS at one of four diverse locations for at least the next two years. Misty will be serving at the Valle de los Ángeles School in Guatemala. Cindy is headed…
Read MoreI Am Learning to Let Go
Editor’s Note: Missioner-in-training Misty Menis-Kyler shares how her past service experiences at St. Labre Indian Catholic Academy formed and inspired her. Letting go means being willing to allow life to carry you to a new place and maybe even to a deeper, truer version of yourself. I spent the last two years serving the…
Read MoreLessons from my Hometown
Editor’s Note: Missioner-in-training Anna Klonowski shares a poem about the Native Americans who lived in her hometown and reflects on how learning about other cultures – both near and abroad – has opened her to new experiences. This past Monday, the United States celebrated Indigenous Peoples’ Day, or Columbus Day (a name which many are…
Read More“So, Where Will You Be Going?”
Editor’s Note: Missioner-in-training Maggie Van Roekel reflects on her time in Formation waiting, discerning, and planning before traveling overseas for mission. For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a meticulous planner. My calendar book is my life-line and I am constantly writing to-do lists, feeling triumphant each time I can cross off a…
Read MoreHappy Day
Editor’s note: Missioner-in-training Cindy Mizes reflects on her service at the Jeanne Jugan Residence, where she has formed relationships with the residents. Every Wednesday morning, I take a 30 minute walk from Casa San Salvador through the Catholic University of America campus to the Jeanne Jugan Residence, a long-term care facility for the elderly with limited…
Read MoreIDs and Identity
Editor’s note: Missioner-in-training Anna Klonowski reflects on the role of identity in her time serving at the Father McKenna Center in Washington, DC. Every Wednesday morning of Formation, I have the opportunity to help out at the Father McKenna Center, an organization that provides services to men experiencing homelessness in DC. During my time…
Read MoreJust Smile
Editor’s Note: Missioner-in-training Misty Menis-Kyler reflects on a thought-provoking encounter with a man experiencing homelessness as she served food and drink to those in need in Washington DC. Last week, in addition to our regular formation classes, I had an amazing opportunity to go out into the streets of DC and give food and drink…
Read MoreFormed in Love
Editor’s Note: Missioner-in-training Cindy Mizes reflects on what led her to FMS and shares her experience of the first weeks of formation in Washington, DC. When asked what led me to become a missioner, frankly the only thing I could say was that it was a calling from God. In truth, I didn’t understand the…
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