Acting with Intention
Editor’s Note: In the wake of the current political climate, DC Service Corps volunteer Philip Krabill shares how he remains faithful and tries to promote peace and justice for vulnerable communities. We live at a time when holding Franciscan values is not easy. Consumer culture normalizes seeking abundance and wealth, while simplicity is a radical…
Read MoreContinuing Education
Editor’s Note: As she completes her Formation, newly commissioned lay missioner Mary Liston Liepold, OFS reflects on justice and reconciliation on global and personal levels. As a little girl at the movies, I cried when the cartoon heroes got hurt, and I also cried for the villains. Mom gave me hankies (some of which I still…
Read MoreFinding Hope in the Darkness
Editor’s Note: DC Service Corps volunteer Eileen DeGuire discusses how she has witnessed advocates of various backgrounds working together for justice in the midst of uncertainty. I have consistently been a person who likes to know what’s going to happen. Whether it be what’s for dinner or a meeting agenda, I like to have a…
Read MoreLessons from Under the Sea
Editor’s Note: Lay missioner Joleen Johnson marvels at life and nature under the Caribbean Sea while contemplating this unfamiliar area of God’s creation. I was recently given a very rare opportunity: to snorkel in the sea. These are some of the thoughts, questions, and lessons that passed through while I fixed my eyes, in wonder…
Read MoreThe Little Ways of Building Peace
Editor’s Note: In his first FMS blog post, DCSC volunteer Philip Krabill describes how his ministry site promotes peace and the “little” ways that it makes big differences. “Those who make us believe that anything’s possible… are often the ones who have survived the bleakest of circumstances. The men and women who have every reason…
Read MoreEmbrace the Breeze, Protect Your Peace
Editor’s Note: As DC Service Corps volunteer Jennifer Eburuoh reaches the end of her year of service, she reflects on how she has learned to surrender to God’s will throughout the year. Right now, as I sit on the front porch of Casa San Salvador, my home for the past 10 months, I witness the…
Read MoreFinding Peace on an Ant Hill
Editor’s Note: Lay missioner Susan Sarkissian recalls a childhood memory and shares how it inspires her to find peace with other people and in nature. I recently walked past a hillside teeming with multiple varieties of vegetation. It struck me seeing this struggle for space, light, and air to breathe among this collection of grasses,…
Read MoreTransformation
Editor’s note: Transformed through her intentional peace ministry with Little Friends for Peace, DC Service Corps volunteer Erin Frances Reinhart shares an experience of collective transformation for her students, her colleagues, and herself. Alexandria City Public Schools offers high-quality after-school programming at schools and community-based sites through Linking Instruction Nurturing Knowledge (LINK) Club. Link Clubs…
Read MoreTrust
Editor’s note: DC Service Corps volunteer Erin Frances Reinhart leads peace workshops at organizations throughout the DC area with her ministry site, Little Friends for Peace. While leading a workshop on trust at the Father McKenna Center, Erin Frances was challenged to trust herself, others, and God more deeply. Little Friends for Peace is an…
Read MoreDay 23: Movement
Editor’s Note: DCSC volunteer Emily Dold shares her experience with learning yoga and the meaning of “peace” within movement. I would like to begin this blog by saying how wonderfully sneaky the Lord is in how He has led me to reflect on movement and has helped me connect it to His Divine plan. I…
Read MoreDay 9: Music
Editor’s Note: DCSC Volunteer Airianna Beitler shares the power of music this time of year and the uniting joy it brings. This Advent is very different than we all expected it to be due to COVID-19. As I am reflecting on everything that brings me joy during this season, I can’t help but remember all…
Read MorePulled to Prayer
Editor’s Note: DCSC volunteer, Madeline McKissick, leads the reader through an all too common ordinary afternoon practice. She reflects on the idea of prioritizing time in prayer amidst busy and chaotic schedules. It was another whirlwind of a day. I worked at the FMS office from 9-5, came home for spiritual direction at 5:30, worked…
Read MoreA November Hush
Editor’s Note: DCSC volunteer, Bekah Galucki, invites the reader into her relationship with the Lord through a series of photographs. Emphasizing the transcendentals, she encourages a moment of relief and rest in hearing His whispers of the heart. We, in the FMS community, are gifted with the opportunity to write about our experiences. And for…
Read MoreThe Unknown Ways of God
Editor’s note: Domonique Thompson, a current Lay Missioner in Formation, dives into an experience during her time serving at the Father McKenna Center. She recalls her encounter with someone at the Center, and allows for further reflection introspectively. The inward ponderings of her heart echo a greater call towards action in living intentionally and wholeheartedly. …
Read MoreMy Peace I Give to You
Editor’s Note: Current Missioner Hannah Hagarty shares how she has found peace while building a routine overseas in Kingston, Jamaica. “I find it deeply important to accept that we are not the masters of this place. We are her visitors. And like guests let’s enjoy this place like a garden. Let us treat it with…
Read MoreFinding Comfort in Our Limitations
Editor’s Note: Current Missioner, Anna Klonowski reflects on her own limitations that guide her response when faced with the suffering of others. “Me duele el alma.” “My soul hurts,” Desi told me as we were sitting on a bench together during a beautiful morning in September. Despite the fact that she doesn’t sleep well, has…
Read MoreFaith Calls Us to be Neighbors: God’s Welcoming Presence In Our Vocation
Editor’s note: As a part of FMS’ 2017 Advent blog series, Graphic Design Associate Alessia Catena shares the feeling of God’s presence as a moment of welcome and faith in her relationship. When my fiancée, Chris, and I were first discerning marriage, he was getting ready to move halfway across the world to Japan. Odd…
Read MoreFaith Calls Us to be Neighbors: God’s Welcoming Presence Abroad
Editor’s note: Christopher Unger is a service member in the United States Air Force and engaged to FMS Graphic Design Associate, Alessia Catena. As a guest blogger for FMS’ Advent blog series, Chris shares his experience finding God overseas in the welcoming outreach of others. My story begins upon arriving to my new duty station…
Read MoreFaith Calls Us to be Neighbors: Finding Peace
Editor’s note: Pat Maloney is the Principal Director for Joint Operational Programs for Aerospace at the Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland and one of FMS’ Board members. As a guest blogger for FMS’ Advent blog series, Pat reflects on her recent trip to Rome and Assisi and shares the opportunities she had to live out…
Read MoreThe Sweet Presences of God
Editor’s note: Missioner Erin McHugh shares her gratitude for God’s presence on a retreat she lead for the girls at Valley in Guatemala. “I’m a little pencil in the hand of God writing love letters to the world.” —Mother Teresa I love this quote from Mother Teresa, as that’s exactly how I feel on mission.…
Read MoreAllowing Joy to Find Me
Editor’s note: Missioner Erin McHugh reflects on the nature of joy and shares how she was able to find joy when she surrendered, relaxed, and practiced presence with those around her. “Somewhere along my journey, it happened. Quietly, imperceptibly, almost without my knowing it, I relaxed. Got comfortable with myself. I began enjoying myself, accepting…
Read MorePortraits of Christ: LeShay and the Sins of Our Fathers
Editor’s Note: For her year of service as part of DC Service Corps, Lizzy Balboa volunteers with Little Friends for Peace, a nonprofit organization in the DC area that promotes inner and inter-personal peace skills within children and adults. In the second installment of her “Portraits of Christ” series, Lizzy shares a story of brokenness passed…
Read MoreComfort and Joy: Meeting Ann in Her Cozy Room
Editor’s note: As part of our “Comfort and Joy” Advent/Christmas blog series, MJ Park, co-founder and co-director of Little Friends for Peace, reflects on where she has found peace in her own life. Little Friends for Peace is a nonprofit organization that empowers children and adults to solve problems nonviolently. Little Friends For Peace has been working in the Sursum…
Read MoreWalking with Pope Francis
This week can best be summarized as a papal whirlwind. Between all the members of the Casa San Salvador community, there were people present for almost all of the Pope’s events during his visit to Washington, DC. On Tuesday, the missioners-in-training, one of our DC Service Corps members, and one of our office associates packed…
Read MoreMake Noise
Every government has its share of problems. Google “government scandals” are you can learn about Indonesia’s death penalty programs, Italy’s nepotism, or misused aid funds in Greece. Mention the U.S. and the names Nixon, Grant, and Clinton come to mind. Government corruption is nothing new in Guatemala. The country is still recovering from a 36-year civil…
Read MoreI Get by with a Little Help from My Friends
Lately my emotions have been all over the place. I get stressed out when I think of all the stuff I have to bring to and from the US. I’m stressed out about the missioners who will be leaving Bolivia (for good) while I’m away and won’t be here when I get back. Last but…
Read MoreSimple Prayers
In honor of our 25th anniversary and our nearing World Care Benefit and Celebration, we share a poem with you from our June 1996 World Care newsletter written by returned missioner Fr. George Corrigan. It serves as a reminder to us that we should never be too busy to say a simple prayer to the Lord, and…
Read MoreJourney to the Blue Mountains
Recently one of the priests in Savannah la Mar had a friend visit Jamaica. For the occasion, we were given the opportunity to hike to the top of the famous Blue Mountains of Jamaica located near the capital of Kingston. Since I arrived here in Jamaica, we’ve been constantly busy with our new lives here,…
Read MoreFeast day of Our Lady of Lourdes
“Would you do me the kindness of coming here?” This is the invitation that Mary extended to Bernadette in the Grotto at Lourdes in 1858, asking her to meet there for 15 days. This invitation is offered to every person, even 157 years later because Lourdes isn’t about an apparition, it’s not about a girl…
Read MoreFranciscan Saint of the Day: St. Bonaventure, the “Seraphic Doctor”
Today we celebrate the feast day of Saint Bonaventure, the first and greatest of the Franciscan Doctors of the Church. Saint Bonaventure was born in 1221 and joined the Franciscans in 1243, where he quickly established himself as one of the brightest minds in the Order. Having been sent to study at the University of…
Read MorePoor and Free: “Beyond Detachment”
Franciscan Mission Service presents: “Poor and Free: A Spiritual Yes to Less” every Friday in Lent Series contributions: Shane Claiborne: Part I, Part II, and Part III Gigi Gruenke: “Invest in God’s Dream” Jack Jezreel: “The Simple Math of Voluntary Simplicity” Amy Echeverria: “Saying ‘Yes’ to Love” Sr. Marie Lucey (OSF): “Faith Keeps Hope Alive” Marie Dennis: “Beyond Detachment” Fr. Martin…
Read MoreWe Shall Overcome: 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington
Washington, D.C. was abuzz this weekend with events commemorating Wednesday’s 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington. Communications Coordintor Bridget Higginbotham shares some thoughts on the experience she and Program Coordinator Natalie Helfrick had as attendees. “Realize the Dream” March and RallyJustice for Trayvon. Close Guantanamo. Stop racial profiling. Raise wages. Statehood for DC. Stop…
Read MoreFranciscan Friday: Praying for World Youth Day
Every two to three years since 1984, millions of teens and young adults from around the globe gather together for a week of celebrating their faith with the pope. This year’s World Youth Day festivities started on Tuesday and run until Sunday in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, under the motto, “Go and make disciples of…
Read MoreFranciscan Friday: Prayers from South Africa
South Africa is on our hearts and in our minds as we lead seven college students on a Short-Term Mission and Global Awareness Trip this week. By engaging with locals, the students will learn about nation’s history of apartheid as well as current realities faced by some of its residents, including HIV/AIDS and poverty. Each…
Read MoreJesus is Risen!
Alleluia, Jesus is Risen! But are we? After a Lent spent looking at how we are called to be “Walking in Solidarity” with others, we celebrate on this joyful spring day how all is made new in the Lord. For if we follow Jesus’ example of dying to ourselves, we can also experience a risen…
Read MoreBlessings in the New Year
Just as we are blessed to begin a new day, we are thankful to begin a bright new year! 2012 was a good year for us and we have much to look forward to in 2013. – The homecoming of eight missioners from Bolivia, South Africa, and Zambia. Nora Pfeiffer (Bolivia) Catherine Giller (Bolivia) Lynn…
Read MoreMission Monday: About A Week Back…
We were touched by Missioner Joel’s latest blog post. A reminder of why working for peace is so important – it won’t haunt you later. Photo by Flickr user Jayel Aheram In Santa Vera Cruz I share some time with people who are terminally ill and living at a hospice operated by the Missionary Sisters…
Read MoreIdentifying the Cause: A Candidate’s Reflection on the Caravan for Peace.
Our formation class attended the Caravan for Peace event when it came to D.C. Paul Heinzen shares with us his reflection of the event and how it relates to the greater issues of drug trafficking. Photo taken from On September 10th, I attended a presentation by the Caravan for Peace, concerning increased citizen casualties…
Read MoreMission Monday: Hospice Residents Celebrate Feast Day
Domestic Volunteers who staff the office at our headquarters are taking Wednesday afternoons to serve at various sites around the D.C. area. Each volunteer is partnered with a non-profit and spending a few hours each week there through their service commitment at Franciscan Mission Service. So far, volunteer Chelsea has had a festive experience at…
Read MoreFAN’s Commitment to Civility in Discourse
Photo by League of Women Voters of Califorina, via flickr In yesterday’s reading from Ephesians we hear, “All bitterness, fury, anger, shouting, and reviling must be removed from you, along with all malice. And be kind to one another, compassionate, forgiving one another as God has forgiven you in Christ. So be imitators of God,…
Read MoreMission as Peacemaking
How does mission promote peace around the world? Marie Dennis, co-president of Pax Christi International, delved into this topic at our last Souposium event before our summer hiatus. Accompaniment, solidarity, and building bridges of understanding – the hallmarks of mission also help make and promote peace between people, countries and cultures. Check out these two excerpts from…
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