Prayers for Christmas: Wisdom and Strength in the New Year
The Christmas liturgical season is just beginning! Join us through the new year in praying with our missioners and those they serve overseas. Today’s prayer for Christmas comes from Noemi, a teacher at an after-school program in Bolivia where our missioner Catherine serves.“Lord, for the next year I ask you to continue to bless me, and to…
Read MorePrayers for Christmas: Joy to the World!
“Joy to the world, the Lord is come! Let earth receive her King; Let every heart prepare Him room, And Heaven and nature sing, And Heaven and nature sing, And Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sing.”Share in our joy with our “Prayers for Christmas” video. May you have a happy, healthy, holy day filled with…
Read MorePrayers for Christmas: Witness of Love
“This Christmas I am grateful that the love God showed the world in sending His Incarnate Son has been shown again to me personally in the grace of His sending me to witness to that Love, Jesus Christ, in Africa.” – Sandra Bradford, missioner, Zambia Sandra serves with her husband Bryce through a partnership with the Province…
Read MorePrayers for Christmas: Food and Health
We hear the Canticle of Mary, the Magnificat, in today’s Gospel from Luke: “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord;my spirit rejoices in God my savior.for he has looked upon his lowly servant.From this day all generations will call me blessed:the Almighty has done great things for me,and holy is his Name.He has mercy on…
Read MorePrayers for Christmas: More of God, Less of Us
John the Baptist spent his life announcing the coming of Christ. When Jesus was beginning his public ministry, John said “He must increase; I must decrease” (John 3:30). John had done his job in baptizing with water, and it was now time to step aside for the one who would baptize with fire and the Holy Spirit.…
Read MorePrayers for Christmas: Family
The Gospel for today looks at Jesus’ family tree. Forty-two generations culminate in the birth of Christ. Generations of our own families gather in celebration of this birth this time of year. “I thank God that for having had one more year of my family being together. At Christmas we reconfirm the unity of our…
Read MorePrayers for Christmas: Art and Sharing
Photo from flickr, localjapantimes Today’s prayer for Christmas comes from Andrew Kaleya, a Zambian artist and friend of missioners Sandra and Bryce Bradford. “My prayer is to support my family through art in this coming year, and also to be able to share with others the little things which we have during Christmas.” Andrew…
Read MorePrayers for Christmas: Compassion
Happy Feast of Blessed Mary Frances Shervier, member of the Secular Franciscan Third Order and founder of the Franciscan Sisters of the Poor! Frances dedicated herself and her congregation to the healing of all persons, especially the poor and the suffering. “I believed that I saw the Lord himself in the poor and the sick,…
Read MorePrayers for Christmas: Reason for the Season
“My prayer for Christmas is that the REAL reason for the season takes ahold of our hearts and grows us more in God’s unabounding love.” – Michael Redell, FMS lay mission class 27 Kitzi and Michael at their commissioning. Photo by Gerald Martineau. It is because of God’s love that Michael and fellow missioner Kitzi…
Read MorePrayers for Christmas: Strength and Hope for Zambia
FMS lay missioners spend much of their time on mission in ministries of presence–cultivating relationships and connections in their host communities that change them as well as the people to whom they minister Through this journey, the prayers of the community can become the prayers of the missioner. Missioner and teacher Bryce Bradford shares his…
Read MorePrayers for Christmas: Mary and God’s plan
Today we give thanks for Mary and her Immaculate Conception. Through her appearances, she has had a powerful impact on the lives of the people with whom we walk overseas, especially those in Latin America. Because God intended for Mary to be the mother of Jesus, God protected her at the first moment of her…
Read MorePrayers for Christmas: Kindness
Paul in Ghana Today’s prayer for Christmas comes from Br. Paul O’Keeffe, OFM, of Holy Name Province, who served as a lay missioner to Jamaica and Africa in the mid-’90s. “This Christmas I am thankful for the many people God has placed in my life the past year. For those people who have loved me,…
Read MorePrayers for Christmas: Unity and Understanding
Kitzi Hendricks, who is being commissioned today as part of our 27th class of lay missioners, shares her prayer for Christmas: “I pray for understanding in our world – a world that is so noticeably divided by individualism and personal gain. I pray that there may be conversion of hearts this holiday season in that…
Read MorePrayers for Christmas: Comfort and Hope
Kathy Snider on mission in Guatemala, 1998 to 2000. Today’s prayer for Christmas comes from returned missioner Kathy Snider: “My prayer for Christmas is for those who have experienced loss of a loved one due to death or separation, of home due to natural disasters or foreclosure, of food and due to drought and poverty,…
Read MoreFMS’ prayers for Christmas
Join us in preparing for Christmas by giving thanks for all the blessings God has bestowed on us! We’ve gathered prayers from around the world to share with you this Advent, and this video is a collection of some of our favorites: Check our blog each day until Christmas for a new prayer from someone…
Read MoreMark your calendars: Commissioning Mass of Class XXVII
You’re invited to join us for the commissioning of the 27th class on Sunday, December 4 at 11:15 a.m. at Our Lady Queen of Peace in Arlington. After Mass there will be a reception. After 13 weeks of formation with FMS, Michael Redell and Kitzi Hendricks will be commissioned as our newest lay missioners. In…
Read MoreSixteen Years of Collaborating on Catholic Missions
For the 16th consecutive year, Franciscan Mission Service (FMS) missioners have just completed an annual training called the “Collaborative Formation Gathering.” First beginning in the autumn of 1996, the annual collaborative training of several Catholic lay missionary organizations in the United States seeks to create new forms of knowledge and praxis for overseas mission. With…
Read MoreMore Connected…but More Disconnected?
During formation for Franciscan Mission Service’s (FMS) long-term mission program, mission candidates traditionally participate in multiple simplicity workshops. Within these workshops, future missioners explore the diverse meanings of simplicity within the context of their lives, their culture and society, and their future identities as Catholic lay missioners living among the poor. In turn, this provides…
Read MoreA Harvest Gathering at FMS
Twenty-four meal guests dining in the coziness of the dining room at Casa San Salvador. During the late afternoon and evening of Saturday, October 8th, Franciscan Mission Service (FMS) board member Evelyn Mercantini and her husband John hosted a group of their closest friends at FMS for “A Harvest Gathering.” Since joining the board of…
Read MoreTransitus 2011: Honoring St. Francis of Assisi
On the evening of Monday, October 3, 2011, mission candidates and staff members of Franciscan Mission Service (FMS) attended the Transitus ceremony at the Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land in America in Washington, D.C. The Transitus ceremony, which annually commerates the passing of St. Francis from earthly life to eternal life, was attended by…
Read MoreThe Complexity of Food Simplicity
Even simple food is complex. Ask someone to define “simple food,” and you may get a variety of responses. It may be interpreted as low-salt or flavorless food; food purchased under the constraints of a small budget; food that provides essential nutrients while lacking the excitement of tons of sugar or fat; vegetarian and/or vegan…
Read MoreA Dialogue about Vulnerability
On the evening of September 8, 2011, a group from Franciscan Mission Service (FMS) attended Pax Christi USA’s Annual Momentum event at Catholic University. Entitled “Peace & Reconciliation: Spiritual Reflections a Decade After 9/11,” the event encouraged attendees to take into account the variety of responses that were taken as a result of the attacks.…
Read MoreBienvenidos to our New Mission Candidates!
Franciscan Mission Service (FMS) would like to give a big welcome to its two new lay mission candidates, Kitzi Hendricks and Michael Redell! Kitzi is originally from northern California and Michael is orignally from western Michigan. Slated to arrive and begin their two-year service in Cochabamba, Bolivia in January 2012, both of them possess a…
Read MoreHow to be forgetful…the Franciscan way
In his recent article “The Rugged Altruists,” N.Y. Times op-ed columnist David Brooks discusses three virtues that American individuals must possess in order to better create successful impacts (from the point of view of the recipients) upon communities around the world that are disadvantaged in areas like education, economic prosperity, and health. Brooks extols personal…
Read MoreA Year at FMS: One Volunteer’s Reflection
Domestic Volunteer Susie Zagar, who began working at FMS in July 2011, reflects her year of service at Franciscan Mission Service. Planting a prayer in the garden during our Peace Pole Event in August 2010. It is hard to believe that a year could go by so fast, yet it is already August 2011, just…
Read MoreBecoming a Sacred Flame: The Franciscan Federation Conference
This past July our Program Director Rhegan Hyypio traveled to Milwaukee, WI to attend the Annual Franciscan Federation Conference, which brought together Franciscans from all over the United States to embrace the Gospel and examine how St. Francis and St. Clare drew specifically on the Gospel of John in how they carried out their daily…
Read MoreMission Trip To Guatemala and El Salvador
We were thankful to our FMS house managers Daena and Eduardo Padilla for sharing their mission trip with the Franciscan Mission Service community. They provided an account of their journey and a picture presentation of the places they traveled to. The simple joy of bubbles – In Guatemala, blowing bubbles with the kids. Every summer…
Read MoreAn FMS Missioner’s Reflection
We are grateful to be able to share a post written by Tim Marcy, one of our missioners in South Africa. Feel free to print this out and keep it with you, write a journal entry based on what you read, or share with your friends and loved ones. I like to walk, and when…
Read MoreServir Cristo En Todo
Enjoying the homemade pizza dinner over at the Immaculate Heart of Mary community, located across the street from Franciscan Mission Service. In just a matter of two months, the 27th class of lay missioners will be beginning courses at Casa San Salvador, with new mission candidates who will be continuing to discern where Christ is…
Read MoreCreativity and Community at the Beach
Let them eat cake: FMS staff enjoyed a weekend at the beach as part of their annual staff retreat. L to R: Matt Lorch, Br. Paul O’Keeffe, OFM; Susie Zagar, Rhegan Hyypio, Rachel Roa. A gentle breeze brushed past my face as I stared out into the crashing waves and ocean in Beach Haven New…
Read MoreMeet our New Domestic Volunteers!
Our domestic volunteer program tends to attract eager service-focused individuals who are enthusiastic and excited to further the work of lay missioners worldwide. While FMS domestic volunteers do not go overseas to serve, they are deeply invested in the work and ministries of our lay missioners. During their year serving FMS, they engage in the…
Read MoreA Letter from the Ixcán
We are honored to be able to share a reflection and letter from one of our Return Missioners, Kathy Snider. Following her three years of service with Franciscan Mission Service, Kathy helped to found the Ixcán Ministries, a Christian lay mission organization serving as a ministry of presence among the indigenous poor of the remote…
Read MoreCompost Your Way to a Healthy, Earth Friendly Garden
House manager Daena Padilla and FMS webmaster Jill Staudt weed our vegetable garden. While FMS missioner, Nora Pffeifer has been busily working on building environmental awareness in Bolivia through composting, our staff at our local headquarters have also been using compost to plant a garden in back of Casa San Salvador. So you might be…
Read MoreIntegrity of Creation
A photograph taken by one of our missioners, Nora in Bolivia The environment is God’s gift to everyone and in our use of it we have a responsibility towards the poor, towards future generations and towards humanity as a whole.” ~Caritas in Veritate, No. 48 It was a blessing this week to be able to…
Read MoreUnsung Heroes
As a part of her the Domestic Volunteer (DV) formation at FMS, Susie Zagar provides a personal reflection on a talk given by one of the guest speakers, Mr. Harold Nelson, an advocate for civil rights and social justice. Program Director Rhegan Hyypio (right) arranged for her fellow community member Harold Nelson to speak to…
Read MoreThe FMS Family
A “family photo” of FMS staff, board of directors (FMS returned missioners among them), and house managers. If one could draw a family tree of FMS, you would see an amazing web of connections of hardworking and dedicated people living around the world, standing up for global peace and justice. Over the last two months,…
Read MoreThe Journey of 8,000 Miles
En route to Zambia: Sandra and Bryce are greeted by a familiar face. In an airport, everyone is on some kind of a journey, whether it is a business trip, a vacation, a visit to see a loved one, etc. Everyone boards the plane with one particular destination in mind. Sandra and Bryce Bradford are…
Read MoreIncarnation as Journey
Our five missioners in Bolivia are overjoyed to be able to share a meal with Fr. Joe Nangle, OFM. One year ago, five individuals made a decision to leave the comforts of home, family, and friends to serve a ministry of presence with the people of Bolivia. Over the year they’ve dealt with the many…
Read MoreKeeping the Dream Alive
“Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means at which we arrive at that goal.” ~Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. encouraged others to “stand in solidarity with the poor, the marginalized, and those suffering the devastation of racism” (Snyder 1). His work inspires our efforts at Franciscan…
Read More“Crossing Borders”: El Salvador Martyrs Remembered
2009 FMS and Maryknoll Lay Missioners list qualities of St. Francis during Fr. Mike Johnson, OFM’s “Day of Reflection” formation course. In an earlier post from this year, Fr. George Corrigan, OFM provided an essay on Franciscan theology and the concept of “crossing over in mission.” He wrote: “Francis’ vision of mission included the very…
Read MoreLiving in the Heart of God
FMS staff was overjoyed to be able to participate in Sr. Ilia Delio’s Profession of Perpetual Commitment ceremony and mass. At Franciscan Mission Service, we are blessed to have as neighbors Sr. Ilia Delio, OSF and the Franciscan Sisters of Washington, D.C. Sr. Ilia, an author and expert on St. Francis, has been an asset…
Read MoreQuincy U. Students Visit FMS
On Friday, December 17th, Franciscan Action Network hosted an event for Quincy University Students at Casa San Salvador to learn more about “Care for Creation” with FAN and 3 year international mission with FMS. The students, many of them history majors, had all taken the same course, Visions of the World, with Quincy visiting professor…
Read More“God’s Mission, Many Faces.”
Kim expresses her appreciation for the perspective Cardinal Rodriguez shared in his inspiring keynote address. “Mission is a grand expression of Communion – of being the body.” These words come from Cardinal Rodriquez, who spoke at the 2010 Mission Congress in Albuquerque, NM, which took place back in October. Kim Smolik was invited to facilitate…
Read MoreThe Parable of Picking Mulberries
The following is an experience one of our missioners, Tim Marcy, recently had in South Africa, working at St. Francis Care Center. In the story, Tim describes how he helps a man pick mulberries “because he wasn’t tall enough to reach them, nor could he climb the tree.” Enjoy the Reflection: “I climbed up, got…
Read MoreHNP Today: FMS’s Anniversary Celebration
Holy Name Province recently published an article about Franciscan Mission Service’s 20th anniversary celebration. Read the article here. The article features information about our award honorees, but also the OFM friars who have supported our organization: John O’Connor, OFM, provincial minister who serves on FMS’s board; Claude Lenehan, OFM; and Paul O’Keeffe, OFM, Return Missioner…
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